California, USAElectroLlama3 years ago

A player was able to de-compile how the timer and end code worked, allowing us to find in-game milliseconds for the leaderboards. Here is the process, with ohon's 2:02 as an example:

  1. For a code like "a####xxxx.x0b8", make note of xxxx.x (ex. "a9-15a167.40b8" -> "167.4")
  2. Subtract 87.1 and divide by 1.1. (ex. "167.4" -> 73). This is the number of input frames past the minute mark
  3. Multiply by 60/1785 to convert to seconds (ex. 73 -> 2.455 s)
  4. Append this to the number of minutes to get the precise IGT. (ex. 2 m 2 s 455 ms) This assumes the highest number in the code is "2049.50" and the lowest is "87.10".
IvanderLatidjan и Suirabu нравится это
California, USAElectroLlama4 years ago

I'm considering doing a RCT1 complete-the-coasters IL in OpenRCT2. I'm guessing OpenRCT2 exclusive features like using hotkeys are fair game. I haven't noticed any OpenRCT2 runs in the Original% IL categories. If I use OpenRCT2 features but not fast-forward, can I submit it as Original%?

тема: Speedrunning
California, USAElectroLlama4 years ago

Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 ( has some good runs and an active overall community despite being pretty old. This is partly thanks to OpenRCT2 which adds quality of life changes, including adjustable hotkeys. I personally just play it casually.

California, USAElectroLlama4 years ago

The Discord now has a channel for category and rule suggestions. That would be a better place to suggest categories since it will be more visible, but feel free to post here if you'd like.

Turtepas нравится это
California, USAElectroLlama4 years ago

The rules don’t specify, but I think it should be added for the integrity of the game. From the videos, you can see that communication and planning in reaction to hammer bros is the main thing the category has going for it. Solo 2-player mode would almost be just a slower version of the main category.

KilleDragon нравится это
California, USAElectroLlama4 years ago

I don't think there should be more categories without more runners, but for future reference...

  1. I think IGT No Quicksaves and Quicksaves should be combined. From what I understand, the quicksave was a strat needed to overcome a bug. The only issue might be is someone grinds a single mission to get the flight perfect, but the limiting factor will be the craft design anyway.
  2. You could do All Bodies versions of each IL category. "All Planets" would be "All Round Trips", and you can introduce "All Orbits" (allow unmanned so they're more like satellites). I still think Encounter or SOI Reached should be an IL category, so "All Encounters" would be interesting, not to mention much shorter and less intimidating to run.
  3. I know Mun is a special destination, but it can technically be an IL category.
  4. I think Jool 5 (all moons) would be a meaningful IL category since it's a large portion of All Planets. I would even suggest replacing the individual moon categories, since starting a career just to go to Bop is a bit weird. Another option is just have the planets, requiring that you do the same for its moons (ex. land on Eve and Gilly).
Turtepas нравится это
California, USAElectroLlama4 years ago

Since I use an old laptop, I notice the effects of settings on load times. A big one I discovered late was turning off aerodynamic effects. Also, the game has longer loads and lower effective physics warp the longer you have the game open, especially before v1.8. I heard this is due to how the game processes ship parts after it's recovered and even after the save file is deleted. My load times for loading a ship varies from 10s to 30s as I do more attempts.

California, USAElectroLlama5 years ago

I've been trying out the World First contracts in segments. I'm about 15 hours into it, playing somewhat quickly but without much strategy, and I'm only on the Eve missions. Supposedly past a particular version (could be a rule), they added WF contracts for all planetary systems, not just Kerbin, Duna and Eve. I imagine most of the strategies for minimum launches would carry over well to speedrunning. But the All World Firsts category would still be a long one, probably several times longer than All Planets.

Turtepas нравится это
California, USAElectroLlama5 years ago

While you're at it, that could be a possible Any% category, or All Contracts, WFRKS%, World-Firsts. I imagine it would take similar time to All Planets, so I don't know if runners would be inclined to try it. I think any new categories should have at least one run already.

Turtepas нравится это
California, USAElectroLlama5 years ago

Also remember a new game starts on "Year 1 Day 1", so "Day 3" is 2 Kerbin days, or 12 hours.

О ElectroLlama
I'm a quiet Twitch Streamer and an electrical engineer.
5 years ago
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