Texas, USADarkbboyred8 years ago

Is split screen slower on ps4? Or in general? Are they glitches and tricks to learn? And has anybody found out if the ps4 version is faster or slower? Sorry for the bombardment of questions. Have a good one!

Texas, USADarkbboyred8 years ago

I wanna run Ventus? anything I should know? Also does the 3 different versions have any glitches exclusive to them? thank you and have a good one! I misspelled the title great.

Texas, USADarkbboyred8 years ago

The controls are still really bad I played over 7 hours. the boss fights are really hard frustrating and boring at the same time I can handle normal missions but all range mode is are so hard. Any tips? I feel very disappointed (do to the controls) with the game so far but I'm powering on though to learn the controls. I just wish I didn't have use motion control but that just my opinion.

Texas, USADarkbboyred8 years ago

Is the pc port the fastest?

Texas, USADarkbboyred8 years ago

also what is the meaning of life!

Texas, USADarkbboyred9 years ago

Any thing I should know? Need to know? Really wanna run this game! I'm streaming it now!

Texas, USADarkbboyred9 years ago

Never played an old school resident evil before. but I going to speedrun this game tomorrow. and wesker mode if I can beat the game. Never played this game before is this game long? Anythings I should know before going into this game? Background played re5 re6 and re4! Haven't play remastered re1. but I'm getting the disc tomorrow that contains both! Thank you have a good one!

Texas, USADarkbboyred9 years ago

Saru getchu? Or saru get you? I'm talking about psp one btw? I'm trying downloading the iso to run the game.

Texas, USADarkbboyred9 years ago

How the rng and does the game have really hard glitches? I'm coming from hyrule Warriors shoutout! So I'm kinda nervous cause haven't ran a full Zelda game before other than hyrule. Thank you and have a good one!

Texas, USADarkbboyred9 years ago

Cia dlc, non recommended. and we need a glitchless run category cause some people just don't wanna glitch also every Zelda has a non glitch category we should follow that. Also twilight and majora mask adventure runs. I will do a few runs of some of them haven't beaten TP and MM adventure maps yet so yeah. HAVE A GOOD ONE GUYS!

Texas, USADarkbboyred9 years ago

I wanna do a glitchless run of this game! But I don't have a 3ds capture card do I need to record it for proof I did it? I can record it with my cell phone but the quality will be bad barely viewable and probably a little grainy. Thanks for reading have a good one! And I hope you all had a great thanksgiving!

О Darkbboyred
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