Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyCryZe9 years ago

This forum is getting filled with threads about people wanting to delete their accounts. There should be a stickied thread for those requests instead in my opinion.

Gnist, TheGlitched64, и xDrHellx нравится это
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyCryZe9 years ago

When submitting and specifying the milliseconds, most timers just show 2 digits, which is why most people only submit their runs with 2 digits for the milliseconds. If they specify "69", it doesn't get interpreted as .69, but as .069 which is clearly wrong. If they would've wanted to submit the time as .069, they would need to put a 0 in front, just like in .069, if they don't, they most likely don't want to submit the time as that. I've had to fix a lot of verified runs in the past, cause neither the runner, nor the other moderators noticed this, so this is definitely a common issue. Probably with almost all if not all runs that have a digit other than 0 in the third place and a 0 in the first place.

Imaproshaman, LosvikeN, и S. нравится это
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyCryZe9 years ago

I just came across this leaderboard http://www.speedrun.com/lok_sr/PC_30FPS#Any_Glitched and noticed that they abuse the individual levels to distinguish between platforms cause they are not comfortable with all platforms being in a single leaderboard. Others make multiple games for multiple platforms and others even make multiple games per version (Terraria). You could theoretically filter the leaderboard through the combo boxes, but that can become kind of annoying, which is why quite some leaderboards like the Legacy of Kain leaderboard abuse the system in some way to get more leaderboards out of it. My suggestion would be to allow the creation of a virtual category. A virtual category would be an automatic combination of filters that are automatically shown as a named category. This way people don't need to abuse the system while also having separate "categories" for the different situations. This would also allow runs to be part of multiple categories (1 actual category + some virtual categories), which does make a lot of sense. Someone running Any% No Tuner in The Wind Waker, is also implicitly running the Any% category, which is why the Any% No Tuner category could be a virtual category.

Raynius и xDrHellx нравится это
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyCryZe9 years ago

SpeedrunComSharp is an Open Source .NET Library that can be used to easily interact with the speedrun.com API. It provides 100% of the functionality that is provided by the API. It also provides the legacy Records API to query the Leaderboards and Personal Bests of Users, which is currently not possible with the speedrun.com API itself. Traversing the API can either be done by using the Clients provided through the SpeedrunComClient class, which provide a 1:1 mapping of the speedrun.com API, but also through the objects returned by the API themselves. Once you have an object, you can use its properties to easily traverse the API and get to other objects.

Here's how that can look like: Example Usage

There's also a lot of helper objects like the "category.Leaderboard" which provide objects of the Records API, that are obviously not part of the standard speedrun.com API.

The Library should also be compatible with Mono and therefore run on pretty much any system. Looking forward to your feedback :)

Madzinah нравится это
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyCryZe9 years ago

If you are in a game forum like the Wind Waker HD Forum, there's the hierarchy of the forum up top: Forums - Zelda - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

If you click on Zelda, it directs you to the Series page and not the actual Zelda forum, which might not necessarily be a bug, but it's against the user's expectations and makes navigating the forums unnecessarily hard.

Also, if you are in a forum thread there, the Series isn't mentioned at all anymore. Maybe that should be changed too.

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyCryZe9 years ago

The Header of a Leaderboard saying "Leaderboard" is sometimes really misaligned due to the inline-block property used. Here's an example of how misaligned it can be: http://puu.sh/idZjA.jpg This is from the Splatoon Leaderboard.

The issue is caused by the .floatedheader h1, .floatedheader h2 { display: inline-block; } beginning in line 1309 of this CSS file.

display: block; fixes it

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyCryZe9 years ago

For some reason users are now appearing multiple times on the A Hat in Time leaderboards:


Edit: This seems to be the case for every leaderboard apparently. All submitted runs are being shown, not just the Personal Bests. Might be an issue with the "Platforms / Regions obsolete each other" implementation.

Edit 2: Apparently Versions are not obsoleting each other by default anymore (since there seems to be a setting now). So I guess this can be closed. I'm not sure if this should've been the default for already existing leaderboards.

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyCryZe9 years ago

Tahoma is not available on most systems that are not Windows, so a full Font Stack is needed to make sure similar fonts are used on other systems.

Patch File is here (might need to be tweaked, this is based off 450/speedrun.com on Github):


О CryZe
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