BelgiumCreepyGar7 years ago

when I was doing a 120 star run a couple of weeks ago, I noticed I only needed about 500 star bits when starting melty molten, this raised the question for me wether or not it is possible to skip one of the farmings if you pay extra attention to star bits and take small detours to get a lot of starbits

BelgiumCreepyGar7 years ago

by "loads" do you only mean the time between two levels or also stuff like intro cutscenes from bosses and stuff like that?

BelgiumCreepyGar7 years ago

I was browsing the IL leaderboards and noticed that some runs (like Jelluh's IL from honeyclimb f.e.) were in the Korean version, since this version is forbidden in full game runs i want to know if this is allowed in IL runs or not.

BelgiumCreepyGar7 years ago

It's a fun glitch then that is definetley worth noting and mentioning in an SMG2 glitch video, but unfortunatley i dont think this will have any further help in the game, i do am amazed that you found a glitch that soon so make sure to keep up the good work! :)

BelgiumCreepyGar7 years ago

and when you go out of the bushes you arent able to spin infinitly or do you? because if you would that could be used in the 2nd star to skate faster

BelgiumCreepyGar7 years ago

just upload the video to youtube or twitch and send a link in the forum post

BelgiumCreepyGar7 years ago

okay, try to send me a video of it if you can do it

BelgiumCreepyGar7 years ago

the main thing you should try to look for is gravity from certain planets although I think the community had already found the most of them, but keep trying, there still might be some! :)

BelgiumCreepyGar7 years ago

Gabbii please why are you acting so upset to the mods? I don't think they will want to verify your run that badly if so, if you don't even take the effort to speak english than: A/ some of the mods might not understand you and you now that B/ it doesn't testify of a lot of respect torwards the mods and the community to behave this angry and speak French ITS JUST A GAME WHY YOU HAVE TO BE MAD

Jerome и R0main нравится это
BelgiumCreepyGar7 years ago

Thank u for this video, I think im gonna try to do the waterfall jump though

BelgiumCreepyGar7 years ago

Ok, thanks, i think it should be 6:40 for mario runs though, like only the top 5-6 has gotten a time under 6:30

BelgiumCreepyGar7 years ago

In Vallu's 120 star WR with luigi i heard him talking about something called tilt that make the Dusty dune 2 (and also the beach bowl 1 i think) skip possible, could some1 explain me what this is or give me a link to an earlier thread?

BelgiumCreepyGar7 years ago

What do you mean with the note: "lowered", does that make the time more (like 6:35-) or less (like 6:25-)?

BelgiumCreepyGar7 years ago

If the Mods are still looking at this category, i would like an answer to see wether or not its still usefull to run this category or not, thank you

BelgiumCreepyGar7 years ago

Vallu plays in English PAL so I don't think it makes that much diffrence especially if you're doing a 242 star speedrun

BelgiumCreepyGar7 years ago

I know right that is so cool

BelgiumCreepyGar7 years ago

Smajet u don't need to grind for star bits, I just finished my 242 run today and what i did was beginning the run with 9999 star bits and my second account being an account with 242 stars, than the comet will just appear right after you completed the ultimate test providing you grabbed the commet medal

О CreepyGar
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