Just got a time of 8m 2s. I realised if you spam waves near the end only to ~48-49, you can separate the bosses from the pack and get rid of them early. Saves time not needing to funnel them later and more damage is done to normal enemies instead of the huge bulk of the bosses. I also found a 1-2 areas where you can allow enemies through so that you can keep them on the longer path where the damage is, reducing the need to do as much switching of paths. Focusing upgrades instead of placing buildings bottom right, especially ground over air. Found a few areas where I know there is a big mob of enemies that will sort itself out so I don't need to react. Edited the design ever so slightly to do more damage with extra icbms.
also do different versions have any significant changes that make it faster / easier than 1.21b?
Anyone interested in using this forum / making a discord, to discuss ways of improving runs?
E.g What towers are useful, how many, what level is cost effective etc.
or the idea of having two paths to the end and switching between blocking each one to switch the pathfinding of the enemies. How and when best to allow lives to be lost. Most optimal wave spam combinations i.e for instance (at least using the current formation) doing waves 3-6 after placing the stun. suggestions for different formations using the ideas discussed above