ScotlandChris_956 years ago

To be honest if you're either very good or very lucky you can DM Skip without using Ars at all. I'm personally trying to get the DM Skip with a No Abilities Restriction. Closest I've ever been is something like 3 Combos out before getting DM'ed.

ScotlandChris_957 years ago

In case you never got a reply to this or anything I believe Ars Arcanum should be used just as you cross the HP Barrier for the DM Skip.

ScotlandChris_957 years ago

Okay so just don't ever do that Trinity, I got it. Although the last jump seems to be changed to where you'll just slide straight off, forcing you to go up the stairs is that right?

ScotlandChris_957 years ago

There isn't a red trinity behind the doors in the FM Version from what I know, isn't that RC at the bottom of the Mansion where the Bathtub is circling? Hard to remember if I did activate it or not but I have a file that isn't too far behind HT to double check.

ScotlandChris_957 years ago

Hey guys so some of you may know by now that the Halloween Town 'Community Jumps' are now no longer possible as Square has removed the Structure where Runners would make the first jump to go above the door. Has anyone found an alternate path or will we have to just try to kill the enemies fast then open the door. To note the 2nd to last jump is actually still usable however the last jump is not so you can still cut a small corner and skip two Search Ghosts.

ScotlandChris_957 years ago

Awesome, can the timer be edited in after the recording or will I need to have that running during the recording?

ScotlandChris_957 years ago

Just to ask, do ALL Runs need to be streamed over Twitch or can they be streamed on YouTube?

ScotlandChris_957 years ago

Ah I see now, never stay in that room long enough to know that those boxes were even there lol

ScotlandChris_957 years ago

Just to keep myself sure do you mean the boxes on the upper right corner of the video thumbnail?

ScotlandChris_957 years ago

Found a little tree house jump earlier whilst playing on Proud for the Platinum Trophy. Thought you might like to see it. to note I haven't been able to put too much time into this jump as of this current time. Price to pay when you're moving to a new home I guess.

ScotlandChris_957 years ago

Ah dammit, well that's not the worst thing ever. Just gotta get gud right? ;)

ScotlandChris_957 years ago

Yeah, I've been using x + Triangle for the text boxes during my practising today if I remember right couldn't you hit R3 instead of X when attacking? Gonna have to check later to see if that works in the menu. Thanks for the tips guys! I'll check out that guide when I'm able to get the opportunity!

ScotlandChris_957 years ago

Thanks for the advice Rebel!

ScotlandChris_957 years ago

Hey there, sorry for the Title! I've been practising with the Beginner Mode Category lately and was curious if anyone had any suggestions or advice to give me on this practice run of the beginning game here? So far it's the only part I can really do without getting Simba Crashed or massacring a Menu so all advice is greatly appreciated! To note, I noticed while going over the footage myself that recording kinda skips a piece of the Post-Sabor 1 Menu, not 100% sure why my PS4 did that.

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