Oh not that I know of
yes, The game has one
тема: obby but you're a bird
тема: obby but you're a bird
For speed runs in the 200 category do we start at 0 or 100m?
тема: obby but you're a bird
I just join and leave until I spawn at the bottom normally
тема: obby but you're a bird
200 is coming 4pm PST midnight in the UK so you might want to get the speedrun categories up in preparation
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тема: obby but you're a bird
I’d say skip less is keeping to the intended path
тема: obby but you're a bird
Sorry stupid question but I’m new to speed running and wondering how do I show a timer on screen? Edit: Do we have to touch all the checkpoints?
тема: obby but you're a bird
Now all we need is some categories please
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