United StatesC0deR0gue2 years ago

I've only encountered this the once so far but... (youtu.be/S0N8En9sIOI) Needs more testing! lol This was kinda fun, a full blown difficulty amp with the Final Boss fight. Where is horse and why is it poof?

6oliath нравится это
United StatesC0deR0gue2 years ago

This thread is dedicated to information surrounding the glitch I'm dubbing 'FX glitch' (or VFX glitch if you're more particular). It's currently a mystery, but here's what I know so far:

First and foremost: Once triggered, FX glitch stays active until you close the game. Oh and I've only seen it on PC so far.

FX glitch has 3-5 notable effects: 1. As implied by the name, freeform visual effects (VFX for short) misbehave. Bubbles appear in every single water tile, wind particles are almost entirely missing, and many other visual oddities. At least on my machine, these can cause noticeable lag, particularly in cases with high quantities or significant layering of VFX (primarily with water bubbles or boss-death explosions). Some glitchy VFX are more noticeable than others, but if something looks off chances are you've got FX glitch.

2. Transitions during the Worm fight crash the game. Yes, only Worm. All the other bosses are crash-free (except maybe the final boss, I haven't been lucky enough to test it yet). Once FX glitch is active, if you haven't killed Worm yet then the game is unbeatable. Theoretically if we could kill Worm without any transitions you could get past this, but I'm not aware of a way to avoid boss transitions.

3. Slow motion doesn't occur during boss deaths and other normally-slowed moments.

I'm going to preface these next two with a disclaimer: I've only encountered these once, in the same session (when I was trying to casually complete NG+ ;-;). It's possible these relate to a different glitch, I'll be testing that the next time I get FX glitch active, but until there's more info I'll leave them here. So, here's what I ran into:

4? Once FX glitch is active, the unlock order of bosses in NG+ is consistent. During my brief testing this was Skullbat->Spider->Lizards->Worm->Kraken, but it's possible the glitch only locks the order when it triggers. Further investigation needed.

5? Many enemy spawns don't function properly. For me this meant encountering almost ENTIRELY acid spitters after killing Spider, with the occasional razor fly. No crawlers, and no flies (thanks to effects #2 and #4 I didn't get a chance to check behemoth or jelly spawns). I haven't seen this outside of the one session, so part of me wonders if it's related to killing Skullbat/Spider with FX glitch active. Further investigation needed.

Identifying FX glitch: When starting a new run, there's two easy ways to spot FX glitch. The first one is that the tutorial text and its explosions pop in all at once with a distinctly louder bang. The other one (and arguably more useful since it's in the main menu) is that the backdrops of the start point thumbnails aren't animated like they should be, and the thumbnails pop in a bit differently.

During a run, (outside of the paths to Kraken/Skullbat where it's easy to tell), the simplest sign to watch for is punch VFX following the punch's path with zero deviation (and decaying in a satisfying line because of that). That said, with the huge amount of VFX in the game there's plenty of room to notice something off.

Triggering FX glitch: Unfortunately, this is the part with the least info right now. I am yet to identify what triggers FX glitch. It's started in the middle of runs, and it's started from the moment the game boots up. If we ever want to avoid/exploit it we'll need to know what the trigger is.

Takeaways: Based on current info, I see FX glitch as more harmful to runs than beneficial. If you lose your run while it's active, or if it triggers before you kill Worm, you're forced to restart the game. As long as the final boss doesn't crash, Triggering FX glitch after Worm could be useful for cutting slowmos (at the cost of boss deaths being a bit laggy), MAYBE giving NG+ a consistent route, and MAYBE breaking enemy spawns. Honestly though the biggest thing is that we need more info on how it works.

United StatesC0deR0gue2 years ago

I've been mulling over this trick for the past week or so, utilizing a behemoth to escape early. It took me over an hour (with infinite lives) to do this, though honestly I think I was doing the behemoth bounce the hard way. Unsurprisingly it doesn't trigger the final boss, but it was worth checking for the chance to see the unfinished surface:

Racoonix нравится это
United StatesC0deR0gue2 years ago

Hi all, I recently beat the game (finally) and am planning to attempt some runs soon. As part of my preparations I've been trying to find resources to better understand how to optimize for time, but I'm not finding anything beyond the leaderboard VODs, timer-ready save file, and Livesplit files provided here.

This is the information I'm looking for: • A complete map of the game's area, preferably as seen in-game • Routing tips (why the right side of the map is done first in the WR, why ammo is picked up before/after each boss, if/how the core-run forced death can be avoided, etc.) • Movement tips (if/when sideways punching is faster than running, how to be quick while minimizing deaths, etc.) • Bossfight tips (how to manipulate bosses to die close to the room exit, if overheating your rifle is faster than avoiding overheating, etc.) • Any known glitches, regardless of if they are beneficial, neutral, or detrimental to runs

Does this information exist somewhere? If not, could I get some help gathering it? I ask for both myself and future speedrun newbs.

P.S. This place seems fairly inactive, is there somewhere else that's more lively? Is there an Overwhelm speedrun Discord server by chance?

United StatesC0deR0gue4 years ago

Hi all, I'm not a huge fan of using the forums to talk with you all, (requires opening my browser and it's feature-light,) but I'd still like to keep up with the community. So I went ahead and made a Discord server that can be found here:


If this isn't welcome, well, oops. This idea has been floating in my head for the past month+ and I wanted to see it executed.

ArtsDegree and teddyras, let me know if you'd like to be admins/mods on the server. I'll verify everyone who asks to be staff.

I hope to see everyone (all 8 of us lol) on the server.

United StatesC0deR0gue4 years ago

Title. First thing the devs have done about the game in 5 years, from what I can tell. Here's the Steam post they made about it: https://steamcommunity.com/gid/103582791434085063/announcements/detail/2979617355651277307

To summarize the changes: • Performance is improved • The infamous loading hitch when entering a room has been eliminated • Some fancy post-processing effects were added • The pipe in that bottom floor room that you had to jump over? It's been adjusted to be less annoying. • Doors actually line up with each other • Backend changes including converting from Unityscript to C# and updating from Unity2012 to Unity2019 • Shell casings obey gravity again. (I'm gonna test if half-loaded drones still levitate after being shot.)

So if you're like me and you play on a potato you tricked into thinking, you might be able to play and record runs AT THE SAME TIME! The disappearance of the loading hitch is great, and Meanwhile's autosplitter is completely busted by this update, (he told me he's gonna get on fixing it ASAP).

Happy running!

О C0deR0gue
Amateur speedrunner who's mostly run OVERWHELM. My PC is shit but that doesn't stop me
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