FranceBubu4 years ago

Here is another use of this glitch!

We can make even better combos with a larger pool, but this is the best one I got so far.

Drim_Alt, Speedrunner007, и LavandulaStoecha нравится это
FranceBubu4 years ago

Hi guys! I need to talk to you about a glitch allowing you to fly out of bounds. I didn’t discover this glitch, as it was mentioned in a reddit post made 2 years ago, and a youtube video that I’m going to link, but I’m also going to tell you how to execute it and how it can be useful for speedrun.

First of all, how to go out of bounds?

We’ve all experienced that the game is pretty broken with its ground collisions. You have probably already seen a weird bug when you start to go under the texture, but you’re immediately pushed back above it. This happens a lot when you use the wingsuit and land on the ground.

To clip out of bounds, you have to reactivate the wingsuit at the very moment you land. You can do it with any character. There is no specific angle or speed you need to have when clipping through the ground, but you can’t activate this glitch anywhere. It seems some slopes work and some don’t. The temples is by far the most broken biome, with a lot of places where this glitch works.

Just try to land with the wingsuit multiple times and you should get it, like he does on this video:

So, now that we can clip through the ground, how to use it for speedrun?

First of all, the out of bounds glitch completely breaks Endless%. How? Well, if you’re under the ground and you run out of wingsuit, you’ll just fall infinitely. Nothing can kill you and nothing can make your position change, this is basically a softlock. You can backflip forever, but you can never land the combo. So, as it breaks Endless%, it should definitely be banned in this category.

But this is not the only interesting thing this glitch can do. The thing is, when you’re out of bounds, everytime you fly with the wingsuit, it’s considered as proximity wingsuit, so you get trick points only by flying. And the first backflip you do is always considered as a proximity backflip too, giving you 300 points easily.

With that in mind, I tried to see if this glitch can help us beat some records in the 20’000 Trick Points categories… And it does.

Here is the new 20’000 Trick Points record with Alto:

I’m now gonna explain the route I made to get 20'000 Trick Points faster.

First of all, activate the wingsuit. It should ideally take around 30 seconds, if you’re in the canyons (best biome for this run). Then, clip out of bounds. Keep the wingsuit on, or the game will put you back in bounds. Fly until you reach between 800 and 900 trick points with proximity wingsuit.

Then, deactivate the wingsuit. Not knowing where you are, the game will put you just before the last « block » of the game you just passed through. The block before that has already unload, so you are now levitating.

In this weird place, backflip 5 or 6 times, depending on the combo you had beforehand. Between every backflip, tap the wingsuit twice very quickly, to make sure every backflip you make is a proximity backflip (double backflips don’t give you as much points).

Then, reactivate the wingsuit to land the combo on the nearest ground you can find. You can re-enter the level from below, but be sure to be parallel to the ground you are about to touch, or you will die (similarly to when you fall from above).

The same setup works with Sumara too, but it’s slower than the normal combos you can do with her.

I know this trick is overcomplicated, so I’m gonna try to find a better and maybe faster setup. Can you try this glitch to see if it works for you too?

I think this should only be banned in Endless%, because I had much more fun doing this than just waiting for the walls to be perfectly aligned so I can get a fast normal combo ^^ What do you guys think?

Speedrunner007, FlashTheorie, и Oetam нравится это
FranceBubu4 years ago

Hi guys, Yesterday I found a new glitch that can make the 500 coins category faster. It’s a glitch that lets you start with a radio activated in the very beginning of the run, so you can collect a lot of coins and a magnet in the first 5 seconds.

How to do it? You have to set up a run where you find the radio. After touching the radio, you need to pause quickly and start a new run. The new run starts with the radio packs falling near you, you can't catch them all but you can catch most of them if you jump to slow down.

This glitch is 100% consistent and easy to pull off. Your timing doesn’t need to be precise, you have 1 second (or even 2, depending on your speed) to pause the game after touching the radio. If you pause too late, less radio packs will spawn in the new run. After pausing, the radio is stored and you can do what you want: change your character or your biome, you will start with the radio anyway.

I beat my own record with this glitch, here is the run:

Radio Conservation works on Android and iOS, thanks Oetam for testing it. Can you test it on PC too?

To me, this glitch makes 500 coins way more fun and less RNG reliant, since it reduces the amount of luck needed to collect 500 coins. The setup isn’t even tedious, because you can use a dead run to setup the next one. So if it works on PC too, I think this glitch should be allowed. What do you guys think?

kangarus, Oetam, и LavandulaStoecha нравится это
FranceBubu4 years ago

I would love any of those! Now we have very short (less than 5 minutes) categories and a very long one (more than 1 hour), so it would be great to run for 20 to 30 minutes. I'll make a 50,000m speedrun, because 100,000m would look too similar to Endless% imo. But 500,000 or 1,000,000 trick points seems great, it would test our skills and be less RNG-reliant. I also really like the "get as many trick points in the first 10,000m" idea.

Qurin, Oetam, и LavandulaStoecha нравится это
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