рекорд: steal a bank to get some beans
me and purci are playing rn trying to beat this
рекорд: steal a bank to get some beans
Well done, i was trying to get a good time for this, but i hate the rng of gettting a good folder and code spawn, and now this time, i dont think im going to be getting a good time on this category at all lmao
рекорд: steal a bank to get some beans
Banendito this should be 1st plavce, its 080 milliseconds, not 800, sorry
i grinded 100% a lot today an now im pretty good at avoiding that bug, but it still happens rarely but it hasnt been game breaking much
I've had that folder thing softlock my game so much. I swear i've lost like 10 runs to to it and I started running this game yesterday lmao.
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