SwitzerlandBlueHarvey1 year ago

Hi, I've been wondering how the game runs at 1080p 60 (or higher) FPS on a 3060. I need to make a PC upgrade anyway but I am wondering if the game runs well enough while streaming to consider the 3060 purchase. But on the otherhand I don't really want to pay 2k for a 4090 either. So I thought I might ask here.

SwitzerlandBlueHarvey2 years ago

I noticed there is a JP category. Out of curiosity, why? Does JP change anything? Could I just use japanese as language and run that to submit to the boards? I would love to learn what the differences are if there are any!

SwitzerlandBlueHarvey3 years ago

So, I started having some wrist pain in my right hand from all the mashing that I've been doing over my 7 years of speedrunning. I think, IMO, we should allow Turbo for PC since it's something everyone who can run PC, can do since it is all based on Settings that you can access on your Steam account. This prevents long term damage for your hands and encourages more players to run the game due to the game then being more accessible to people who have such a condition. I would love to add this accessibility feature for PC runs. It doesn't have to be added for other consoles, but atleast for PC, where everyone can get this to work for themselves. Thoughts on this idea?

Desch и lisaroxroxrox нравится это
SwitzerlandBlueHarvey4 years ago

Is it possible for one of the other mods to verify this run ? I know I can do it myself but verifying my own run always seems so weird. I would love to have the confirmation of the other community members that they also declare this run as legit.

witchakorn нравится это
SwitzerlandBlueHarvey5 years ago

Hi, I started running Steam Hard mode FFIV

Now I want to ask, if there were more ppl running it, would it make sense to open a leaderboard for it ? I grew up with the DS version (only hard mode available on there) and thought I could subit Hard mode. For now though I'd just submit the run to PC. Hope we can work something out.

SwitzerlandBlueHarvey6 years ago


I just wanted to ask something about the game before it comes out on steam. There is a deluxe edition and a Standard edition. Most of the DLC items are costumes in the deluxe edition but there is one Item called "Albert Model Samurai Edge" (which is a gun) that would be added for DLC aswell. Would this mean DLC is banned for speedrunning, and if that's so, do you think there is a way to install the game without automaticly insatlling the DLC aswell ?

SwitzerlandBlueHarvey6 years ago


I would like to share this website with everyone who is interested in Speedrunning PS2 games. Since most of the PAL PS2 games are only playable in 50hz, a lot of people would need to buy an american or Japanese PS2 just to get the 60Hz advantage for Speedruns. However people from PAL regions (Europe/Australia etc) should be able to see if their PAL game does support 60Hz or not. I've found a website that I would like to share with everyone. It shows which PAL games run at 60Hz or not. This could make it very easy for Speedrunners to find out, if they have the "correct" version or not.

This is the website I'm talking about: http://www.benoitren.be/60hz-palps2.html

If someone could make this somehow public or easily accesible for everyone, that'd be awesome.

Thank you for reading

PilotPanda нравится это
SwitzerlandBlueHarvey6 years ago

I noticed you stopped the timer on the game. Im generaly not against pausing, since it is something I was wondering for some time. For long games such as DQXI, should pausing be allowed for runs ? I mean BnH did a run (and submitted it) with a Pause. But this could be the first RPG speedrun to change the way we look at pausing. I think pausing is a good idea especially if you need to take a break (so much text mashing your hands probably gonna hurt).

It's something that surely needs to be discussed more, but I thought its interresting to talk about and ask the Community what they think about it.

SwitzerlandBlueHarvey6 years ago

I would like to address the Situation of different leaderboards, of course there are 3 different ones right now, but seeing as it is, Comparing PC, PS4 (HDD and SSD) on the same board might be a bit unfair. giving PC its own Board, PS4 HDD, and PS4 SSD its own board. And since there is a 3DS version (and a Switch version is about to release) we could add those aswell.

I would like to offer help with the leaderboards if no one speaks against it.

SwitzerlandBlueHarvey6 years ago

So there is already any%, I guess there will also be worst ending (which I don't know if any% is worst ending or not) Good/Best ending and All Outcomes ? Would like to hear what think about that.

SwitzerlandBlueHarvey6 years ago

I've been looking for a Discord Server for P5, but I can't seem to find one. Have the runners so far not cared about a Discord Server for the game ?

О BlueHarvey
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