тема: Soul Knight
Florida, USABigBoiRyker6 years ago

We need trekking pole only run lmao

GamingAries и Dragon_Turtle нравится это
тема: Soul Knight
Florida, USABigBoiRyker6 years ago

In my run a while ago I think I unknowingly used room manip to regain health so it should be legal

тема: Soul Knight
Florida, USABigBoiRyker6 years ago

In my run a while ago I think I unknowingly used room manip to regain health so it should be legal

тема: Soul Knight
Florida, USABigBoiRyker6 years ago

In my run a while ago I think I unknowingly used room manip to regain health so it should be legal

тема: Chameleon Run
Florida, USABigBoiRyker6 years ago

The surfboard is not in any% but it is in world1% world2% and ng+

тема: Chameleon Run
Florida, USABigBoiRyker6 years ago

When you get all 3 chameleons in a level and replay it you have all the speed ups spawned (lightning bolts and surfboards)

тема: Soul Knight
Florida, USABigBoiRyker6 years ago

I have something I’ve used for a while, not really a helpful glitch but really convenient If you hold down shoot and dash with the assasin but release shoot before ending the dash the game still holds down shoot until you hit shoot or change weapons. It helps me with melee weapons and such where I would normally just hold shoot down

тема: Soul Knight
Florida, USABigBoiRyker6 years ago

What device are you playing on? Could have to do with it being unable to process or load the ai in time

тема: Soul Knight
Florida, USABigBoiRyker6 years ago

Why wouldn’t you be able to post a link to show it? Sounds like a cool glitch

SpyCrab нравится это
тема: Chameleon Run
Florida, USABigBoiRyker6 years ago

I don’t like running world 2 so someone else can deal with that

тема: Chameleon Run
Florida, USABigBoiRyker6 years ago

1-1 Tutorial 1-2 marbles 1st 11.961 11.694 Marbles 2nd 12.301 11.795 No color swap 14.847 1-3 marbles 1st 14.056 13.420 Marbles 2nd 13.442 13.243 1-4 Marbles 1st 15.006 14.231 Marbles 2nd 14.509 14.776 No color swap 17.843 1-5 Tutorial 1-6 marble 1st 19.828 19.442 Marble 2nd 20.206 19.520 No swap 23.896 1-7 Marble 1st 21.215 21.468 Marble 2nd 20.931 20.289 No swap 25.389 1-8 Marble 1st 19.365 19.140 Marble 2nd 20.016 19.583 No swap 23.359 1-9 Marble 1st 20.019 20.749 Marble 2nd 20.884 19.553 No swap 25.173 1-10 Tutorial 1-11 Marble 1st 20.439 18.778 Marbles 2nd 19.287 19.491 No swap 21.848 1-12 Marble 1st 21.591 24.077 Marble 2nd 24.555 19.258 No swap 26.064 1-13 Tutorial 1-14 Marble 1st 25.432 23.552 Marble 2nd

No swap 27.535 1-15 Marbles 1st 21.683 20.490 Marbles 2nd

No swap 23.498

Cybertronlaser нравится это
тема: Soul Knight
Florida, USABigBoiRyker6 years ago

How about an explore all rooms misc. category Also you can edit in a timer on iMovie mobile to put one in

GoldCreep23 и SpyCrab нравится это
Florida, USABigBoiRyker6 years ago

Can we get a pocket edition category/system? Sry if the thread is already closed Thanks

О BigBoiRyker
6 years ago
2 years ago
Сыгранные игры
Chameleon Run
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