United StatesBackspaced3 years ago


Nightmare_RO нравится это
United StatesBackspaced3 years ago

There have been quite a few changes to the RB5 speedrunning community in the past few days, and this post is intended to catalog all such changes for transparency:

Major Changes:

  • A new cheating policy has been outlined.
  • A RB5 IGT mod has been created. You can find the download for it in the Resources page, and it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you use the mod for any IL attempts in order to get accurate times.
  • Time now starts on the first completely black frame after selecting or restarting the level, as opposed to the first frame that gameplay is visible. This is so that times are standardized with the new IGT mod. All times (including obsolete runs) will be converted to this new timing method over the next week or so.

Minor Changes:

  • You must now submit your run with the date that SRC automatically assigns.

As far as I know, this should cover all of the leaderboard changes so far. Let me know if I've missed anything (i.e. a typo in the category rules or an inaccurate mistime), and feel free to reply to this post with any comments, questions, or concerns.

grntsz нравится это
United StatesBackspaced5 years ago

Yup, another one.

Major Changes:

  • Any% Glitchless has been added as a new category.
  • Moving before the game fully loads in (i.e. while the screen is still black after clicking "skip intro") is now not allowed.

Minor Changes:

  • The Any% Warpless millisecond threshold has been adjusted to 3:10.
  • Game rules have been added.

As far as I know, this should cover all of the leaderboard changes so far. Let me know if I've missed anything (i.e. a typo in the category rules or an inaccurate mistime), and feel free to reply to this post with any comments, questions, or concerns.

ViktorLogi и Nightmare_RO нравится это
United StatesBackspaced5 years ago

@Zeus2459 and I have recently set up the GSSH Wiki, which we intend to serve as a central hub for all things GSSH. That being said, the wiki is currently nowhere near complete, so we need your help! It doesn't matter whether you contribute lore, a speedrunning strat, or even fix a simple typo; every little bit counts. Plus, you even get a special role in our Discord! (Link in the sidebar.) The wiki link is down below and in the sidebar.


United StatesBackspaced5 years ago

This changelog's gonna be a lot shorter than the one for GSSH2, as there's a lot less stuff:

  • Individual levels for each donut/muffin have been added, with the objective being to obtain the specified donut/muffin as fast as possible.
  • Each IL has its own nickname (i.e. "Mouse" for Assorted Donuts) for ease of identification.
  • Showing the cursor is now required for WR runs in every category.
  • Community wiki link has been added to the sidebar.
  • Game has been added to the "Garfield" series.
  • Background image has been changed.

As far as I know, this should cover all of the leaderboard changes so far. Let me know if I've missed anything (i.e. a typo in the category rules or an inaccurate mistime), and feel free to reply to this post with any comments, questions, or concerns.

United StatesBackspaced5 years ago

@Zeus2459 and I have recently set up the GSSH Wiki, which we intend to serve as a central hub for all things GSSH. That being said, the wiki is currently nowhere near complete, so we need your help! It doesn't matter whether you contribute lore, a speedrunning strat, or even fix a simple typo; every little bit counts. Plus, you even get a special role in our Discord! (Link in the sidebar.) The wiki link is down below and in the sidebar.


United StatesBackspaced5 years ago


Link used to be buried in another post, so it's been stickied here for visibility. Link is also in the sidebar.

United StatesBackspaced5 years ago

Hey! I'm @Backspaced, and I've recently been promoted to supermod of these leaderboards. With the approval of the GSSH Speedrunning Discord, I've implemented a number of major and minor changes to the boards, which I've documented here for the sake of transparency:

Major Changes:

  • Video proof is now required for all runs, not just the top 3. I've rejected all past runs that did not have video.
  • Milliseconds is now required for Die% times, and not required for any other category. I've manually updated every past run to fulfill this requirement.
  • Individual levels for each donut/muffin have been added, with the objective being to obtain the specified donut/muffin as fast as possible.
  • Donuts% has been moved to the Chocolate Covered Donuts IL, while SpiderMusic% has been moved to the Mini Cinnamon Donuts IL.
  • Each IL has its own nickname (i.e. "Skeleton" for Assorted Donuts) for ease of identification.
  • Showing the cursor is now required for WR runs in every category.
  • Every single run has been manually retimed (I hope).

Minor Changes:

  • Die% is now a miscellaneous category.
  • Game name has been changed from "Garfield's Scary Scavenger Hunt 2" to "Garfield's Scary Scavenger Hunt II: Donuts of Doom".
  • Discord and community wiki links have been added to the sidebar.
  • @Sendog, @Susman1237, and @Dragon_Boi have been removed as moderators due to inactivity.
  • Game has been added to the "Garfield" series.
  • Icons for 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place, and the game have been added.
  • Background image has been changed.

As far as I know, this should cover all of the leaderboard changes so far. Let me know if I've missed anything (i.e. a typo in the category rules or an inaccurate mistime), and feel free to reply to this post with any comments, questions, or concerns.

United StatesBackspaced5 years ago

EDIT: As @Zeus2459 has gotten a sub-1:10 Any% time on his own, the bounty has been closed.

1iedd и phénixcrow нравится это
United StatesBackspaced5 years ago

A new category has been created! Some months ago, @Zeus2459 discovered a warp glitch (video below) that skips HUGE portions of the game. However, since the run is now so drastically different from normal Any%, we have decided to split the GSSH1 boards into two new categories: the old Any% has been renamed to Any% Warpless, and the new Any% will include use of the new glitch. I'll probably be writing a guide on this glitch very soon, so keep your eyes peeled.

Video of the glitch:

United StatesBackspaced7 years ago


EDIT: The Discord link has been added to the sidebar.

United StatesBackspaced7 years ago

Would everyone be okay with an official GSSH Speedrunning Discord? It would allow for faster & easier decision-making, and also provide a central hub for the community to ask questions, share their runs, and discuss new strats. This Discord could also encompass speedruns of the original GSSH~~, which doesn't have a speedrun.com page yet (hint hint).~~

If everyone's fine with this, I could go ahead and make the Discord.

EDIT: The Discord is up! Link: https://discord.gg/9wU4pY9

Sendog нравится это
United StatesBackspaced7 years ago

EDIT: These issues have all been fixed by the mods.

Sendog и Susman1237 нравится это
United StatesBackspaced7 years ago

Shouldn't there be a 100% version of every category, where you collect every single coin (both red and blue) in each level?

United StatesBackspaced7 years ago

I just googled "qwop speedrun" and got these two videos here:

If these two videos are legit (I haven't checked them yet), then they should be second and first place on the 100m leaderboard, respectively.


United StatesBackspaced7 years ago

Seeing as how this is a meme page, Grand Dad% would be pretty cool.

Get the Caveman Outfit (no Caveman Headwear) as fast as possible. Timing starts on File Select and ends when you select "Buy" on the Caveman Outfit in a shop.

Relevant video:

Switch_, 404UNFX и 2 другие нравится это
О Backspaced
7 years ago
11 months ago
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