тема: Parasite Eve II
Florida, USAAmai_Fox5 months ago

That discord works for me

тема: Parasite Eve II
Florida, USAAmai_Fox5 months ago

Hey I uploaded my door splits to the resources section and we were going to make a discord but forgot so I'll work on getting that setup.

Don_Piedrazo нравится это
тема: Parasite Eve II
Florida, USAAmai_Fox10 months ago

Autosplitter has been fixed. It should automatically update if you have the game selected in Livesplit split settings.

SourShock_ и unkupo нравится это
тема: Parasite Eve II
Florida, USAAmai_Fox10 months ago

Sorry for such a late reply. The helper file for live split broke with the newest duckstation update. The developer is working on it today so hopefully it will be fixed soon.

This has actually affected multiple speedrunning communities like SH and MGS so it wasn't specific to this game.

unkupo нравится это
тема: Parasite Eve II
Florida, USAAmai_Fox1 year ago

I agree with Sena's comparison to RE3. It may offer more consistent fights but once you are going for WR you have to yolo more and the time save may not counteract the loss from grabbing extra items.

In regards to grabbing items from the trunk, if I grab the Akro nades I wait until Dryfield Night time and open the trunk during the fight with Kyle against the scavengers. You can access the trunk during the fight and you should be standing near the trunk as you Pyro the two scavengers that jump over the car each time.

After the last scavenger dies you have a second or two before the battle ends to access the trunk and pull out any items you need/need to toss away.

тема: Parasite Eve II
Florida, USAAmai_Fox1 year ago

Wolf is going to change it later since he is mid stream and put the wrong settings at first but Read is none, Seek is 10x

The game crashed when Read speed was changed

тема: Parasite Eve II
Florida, USAAmai_Fox1 year ago

I vote for 2, which is none.

тема: Parasite Eve II
Florida, USAAmai_Fox1 year ago

I watched it during livestreams as well as him testing out the route. Guide may not have been the best word cause I don't know if he actually published a edited video to youtube

тема: Parasite Eve II
Florida, USAAmai_Fox1 year ago

Honestly, no since when I learned the run Wolf changed the route and made a video guide and I never intended to do 100% so I can't say I searched for them

тема: Parasite Eve II
Florida, USAAmai_Fox1 year ago

A rando I've never seen before attacks me personally and you think i'm not going to comment? I've only been a verifier for a few months and got mod yesterday so I've remained neutral and objective.

And this is nothing about making it about myself, I just don't care to provide respect and answering all of your concerns when you don't know who I am and attacked me personally. You haven't posted on these forums since now, dont have a time on the leaderboard, I've never seen you in the PE2 community soooo what are all of your contributions that dwarf mine?

Dont insult me if you cant take it back

тема: Parasite Eve II
Florida, USAAmai_Fox1 year ago

It's a fucking joke that someone like Amai, a guy with one bad run to his name, and who says silly shit like "100% Kills guide is in the works", uhmm, hello, 100% Kills original route is over 7 years old and was routed by SuperGamer, but w/e, is "moderating" for this game.

Not sure why you have to sling insults my way. I have never commented on 100% kills because I don't know the run and don't plan to run it. You are also effectively saying since my time isn't good enough I should have no say in the matter when you yourself don't even have a time on the leaderboard.

тема: Parasite Eve II
Florida, USAAmai_Fox1 year ago

I will admit that months back when this was first brought up I may have misunderstood and didn't realize settings were changed. That's my fault but while future updates could speed up the game similar to PC, changing read/seek settings are on most emulators and not allowed in the category rules.

Silent Hill:

Resident Evil 1:

Spyro The Dragon:

If you adjust these settings Duckstation gives a warning in the onscreen messages that it may cause instability, which should be a clear indicator that you shouldnt be adjusting it for competing in speedruns.

тема: Parasite Eve II
Florida, USAAmai_Fox1 year ago

Also I understand there are possibly still runs on the leaderboards that had this enabled and the runs approved. We are in the process of reviewing all of the runs to determine if the settings were altered.

тема: Parasite Eve II
Florida, USAAmai_Fox1 year ago

Revisiting this as as resolution was decided for this issue. It was assumed people would not alter console emulation settings to increase speed however other Speedrun communities allow a decided speed that is acceptable to alter.

It was decided that in order to remain as fair as possible that seek/write/read speeds can not be altered and the rules have been updated accordingly.

During this time I also commissioned an autosplitter for duckstation and it has continued to work through many duckstation updates as well with no significant time differences so future updates should not suddenly decrease times.

The rules are as follows:

Timer starts after selecting "New Game" (Load Game for extra modes) and stops after killing last boss (Eve).

For 100% Kills, you must defeat all enemies so that 100% kills will appear in the Play Data screen. On New Game, this statistic is not available, so you must ensure you kill all enemies that count towards the kill percentage (guide soon).

Do not alter any Duckstation settings as they will give an unfair advantage. Example: Do not increase Seek/Write Speeds under console emulation.

In Duckstation Settings, under Display, you must have the following overlays enabled for the run to be verified. (Show OSD Messages, Show Emulation Speed, Show FPS, Show Settings Overlay)

Use common sense DON'T CHEAT using settings / .dll / external programs / apps to give yourself an advantage will make your run invalid.

Auto Door-ID Splitter can be downloaded under "RESOURCES" and it will be a must use for duckstation runs starting 08/29/2023 going forward make sure to use it for your runs to be validated.

тема: Parasite Eve II
Florida, USAAmai_Fox2 years ago

I watched the section you mentioned but not the entire video. Segmented runs are definitely not accepted but if someone wants to make a save for future practice and accept time loss then that is ok. Or they could have made the save Incase they messed up but wouldn't end up submitting the run in that situation.

Enemy spawns are static in this game so there would be no advantage to exiting and continuing outside of you dying.

IfAndWhile и Sena нравится это
тема: Parasite Eve II
Florida, USAAmai_Fox2 years ago

@Symm that could be a thing but then how does that affect older runs, I assume we would need a new board because new runs wouldn't be able to compete with already established runs.

But once again gotta wait for mods to decide what's the best course of action.

тема: Parasite Eve II
Florida, USAAmai_Fox2 years ago

I mentioned this to Wolfdnc so I'm sure he will make the the final decision but it's definitely a tough situation. Regular PC games can have updates that improve performance over time and usually it's not made into a different category unless it's major changes and then often those old versions are rarely run.

Duckstation is actively being updated often and I'm not sure how easily an old build is to obtain. At the same time how do we determine which build to use and that could still affect those old runs placement.

Emu legacy category and console categories can retain that consistent time because nothing will change there but it may be better to look at duckstation in a more modern video game/programming sense.

I know some other boards use Duckstation so that can also be something to look at. That's my 2 cents on the subject

Florida, USAAmai_Fox3 years ago

Have you ran knife only? The menu allows you to bind an extra key, which I did. That barely helps in the overall picture besides I split carpal tunnel evenly but less for each hand.

Florida, USAAmai_Fox3 years ago

Karambit% definitely needs to exist, I just finished my first run of Knife only and my fingers and arm hurt somewhat. Have some numbness in my finger tips as well. This category is not physically healthy in any way and due to health risks and carpal tunnel alone it shouldn't be a base category. I am curious if anyone that is adamant about it being a ng+ category plans to or has ran knife only yet.

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