Uusimaa, FinlandALZERI282 years ago

I have to bring this up right now!

So I run on PS2 Fast Disc Speed personally, at the moment. It would be really nice to see a categore seperation for PS1 runs, where you have Fast Disc Speed and Regular Load Time speeds SEPERATED! FDS gives you 6 second advantage, per mission load time screen + some amount I have not calculated myself, for other load screens.

The advantage amounts to be way over a MINUTE through the full game run!

Could we please get this seperation implemented on the leaderboard? So it would be fully future proof!



Uusimaa, FinlandALZERI282 years ago

There has come a time in my life, where my mental health resources are in need of allocation to actual people in my life. And I am not feeling well either, everytime I open this site I feel varying levels of anguish.

Many things look bleek to me and most things I do feel just meaningless and useless.. I've experienced that feeling just by observing what happens to me and how little I feel like I could bring in the table, sometimes even nothing. There's really no fire in me...

There's also that ongoing feeling of wanting to just quit speedrunning altogether but that bad it is not yet...

Decision's been made. I'll step down as a moderator of R4... Hopefully someday I would return to this position though, but we shall see what life will offer...

No matter what.. I'm thankful for what this game and Ridge Racer series has brought to me overall... It gave me meaning to life for two years and brought 1000+ hours of fun for me... May the grind for perfection persist!

Despite all my problems and emotions of agony and that what was told before likely not even being everything, I wanna say:

Thank you for everything and good luck to future runs for everyone / Kiitos kaikesta ja onnea matkaan kaikille tulevaisuuden runeihin <3


CPZXIII и tuff_lover нравится это
Uusimaa, FinlandALZERI282 years ago

I feel just so anguished, every time I think about speedrunning.. I can't really do anything and I need to save my mental health to helping my friends in my life, so I could survive, I need to trim down as much of my unneccesary preassure, where just can no longer be as helpful as needed.. Hopefully I could make a return later even as a mod.. But now is not a time to take that risk...

Uusimaa, FinlandALZERI282 years ago

I have been in a long time in state of being uncapable to really do anything too huge.. I need my mental resources of helping allocated to elsewhere in my life and to free them up, I will step down from moderating the game... I really wish to return someday but I wouldn't be capable to moderate the game in current state of mine.. This is the only good option for everyone for now.

Good luck to everyone to their future runs and thanks for moderation opportunity!


ViperUK нравится это
Uusimaa, FinlandALZERI283 years ago

Upon wrestling with this and community complaints/request and to level up playing field for every platform, there will be some huge changes on leaderboard:

Any% changes:

-Any% runs will from now on be timed in in game time!

-You have to finish every race you start! Affective and enforced in all runs submitted after August 15th 2021.

-Pausing during Any% runs is not allowed. This is affective on runs submitted after August 15th 2021.

-In runs submitted after August 15th 2021, it is required to show result screen of Shooting Hoops race!

-Runs submitted before August 15th 2021, that do not show result screen of Shooting Hoops will be timed as follows: Total time from last frame of race will be calculated and 100 milliseconds will be added to this total. -This will also be done for runs that have retired races in them and for every retired race of runs in question, to avoid retroactive rejections!

-If you run on emulator, use of Fast Disc Speed will be banned from now on in every run that is timed in real time! THIS CHANGE WILL AFFECT AND BE ENFORCED FOR EVERY RUN IN CATEGORY AFFECTED ON LEADERBOARD!

-Every run on leaderboard, without video will be retroactively rejected and removed!

-If you submit run within few days of this post, we ask you to be patient, moderators are working on retiming everything!!!!!

FantasticFox нравится это
Uusimaa, FinlandALZERI283 years ago

How about adding individual levels on leaderboard?

Uusimaa, FinlandALZERI283 years ago

Now, I know that community makes rules for game. But I have heard that pausing in the middle of an IL–run invalidates run in some speedrunning videos. Is it common practice that IL–run gets invalidated from pausing or is it possibly even automatic.

I have run in hand that is reason for me asking this question just to be sure.

Uusimaa, FinlandALZERI283 years ago

Community has spoken. And we can avoid all possible unclear and confusing, possibly controversial situations with this change.

All modding of the game will be banned, including even texture modifications.

This means that runs must be done with game in it's vanilla state! RULE WILL APPLY ON EVERY SINGLE RUN!

ViperUK нравится это
Uusimaa, FinlandALZERI283 years ago

It got requested, I let you have it. This is category where you only need to win every Extra Trial race in the game. Everyone who want, please; try it out!

Uusimaa, FinlandALZERI283 years ago

All Special Machines category has been now divided to Any% & 100%. As the names may suggest; "Any%" is the category where you only need to unlock special machine with one team and "100%" is category, where you unlock every special machine with every team (excluding PAC-MAN-car for obvious reasons).

Uusimaa, FinlandALZERI283 years ago

2 Player Link mode courses (Special 1 & 2 + Extra-versions) have been added to IL-boards. Doing courses runs for Novice, Intermediate/Advanced & Expert courses both in their normal and Extra versions in 2 Player Link mode will not be allowed!

Uusimaa, FinlandALZERI283 years ago

Starting from now, all runs done on emulator require FPS-counter to be displayed during the run. Rule change is in affect immediately after this has been posted. Old runs prior to this post, will NOT be affected by this change!

ViperUK и Randomii666 нравится это
Uusimaa, FinlandALZERI283 years ago

In individual levels: "3 Laps" categories have been changed to "Total time" to avoid any possible confusion resulting from the fact, that Shooting Hoops has 6 laps in its' run.

Uusimaa, FinlandALZERI283 years ago

It wasn't in rules yet, so added "All runs require video proof." to every category's rules. Old runs with no video will not be affected. Every run submitted after this forum post will require video proof.

calcifer050 нравится это
Uusimaa, FinlandALZERI284 years ago

I've had some struggles mentally lately. Because of that I have struggled with everything and I don't want to leave our dear @CPZ alone to mod R4, I've added some Japanese-expertise A.K.A @ARMS08Yuki on moderator roster of R4. Welcome on board!

CPZXIII и ARMS08Yuki нравится это
Uusimaa, FinlandALZERI284 years ago

First of all; Thank you! <3 Second of all; Congrats on mod @ARMS08Yuki I have been debating even quitting speedrunning completely, but I'm not ready to pull trigger on that decision. However because of personal reasons, I need to cut something out and this game's moderation is it. It was an honor to serve community here, but right now, it's better to leave board in hands of others'! Good luck to runs everyone, BlessRNG and may the future of this game be bright! <3

ARMS08Yuki нравится это
Uusimaa, FinlandALZERI284 years ago

This is one that I've personally thought about long time.

"It would be really nice to have category for new game save files too, since previously Regular Game allowed use of save file, that had first credits played, that allows you to use higher speed levels in category. "

They have now been seperated. "Regular Game" will be for new game save files and "Regular Game+" allows use of all speed levels in races.

Uusimaa, FinlandALZERI284 years ago

Since it was recently asked about. And I thought about it and made decision regarding it. You are not allowed to use "laser trick" that gives you laser with button combination in Galaga minigame. Main reason being that it takes all the skill out of Galaga minigame.

Uusimaa, FinlandALZERI284 years ago

They're finally available on leaderboards!

Uusimaa, FinlandALZERI284 years ago

I added some clarification to 100% rules. I Thought that they may help people, who consider running the category (and I personally had those questions, when I first had thoughts on trying it).

Randomii666 нравится это
6 years ago
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