Attempted a run collecting the least amount of keys in a full game run.
1 year ago
United Kingdom

I tried this run collecting the least amount of keys in a full game run, excluding bonus level, and of the 100 keys total in the game than you can collect, I managed to collect just 35 keys, and there's a few keys that I think could be bypassed too, but the run did take 22:13, because there was a lot of really difficult tricks needed in order to bypass some keys. I could upload the video if you guys want, but I'll leave a level by level breakdown of where I collected keys and how many:

Basic Training 12 = 2 Keys Basic Training 13 = 4 Keys Timing 9 = 3 Keys Timing 10 = 1 Key Timing 13 = 2 Keys Timing 15 = 1 Key Puzzle Solving 4 = 2 Keys Puzzle Solving 7 = 1 Key Agility 3 = 1 Key Agility 4 = 1 Key Agility 8 = 1 Key Agility 10 = 4 Keys Focus 7 = 3 Keys Focus 8 = 7 Keys Focus 9 = 2 Keys


Basic Training = 6 out of 24 Keys Timing = 7 out of 31 Keys Puzzle Solving = 3 out of 13 Keys Agility = 7 out of 13 Keys Focus = 12 out of 19 Keys

Flan_Fan нравится это
Wiltshire, England

Baisc Training 12 can be done in 1 key (you just collect the first sonic screwdriver fuel, clip out of bounds at the top, go under the triangle gate, clip through that and get the second sonic screwdriver fuel then you can complete the rest of the level as normal) Basic Training 13 can be done in 2 keys (you just collect the first two keys, get the sonic screwdriver fuel, go back to where you started then drop down to the tardis) Timing 9 can be done in 2 keys (it's actually faster to do it with 2 keys than 3, just look at my 100% run to see the strat I did) Puzzle Solving 4 can be done in no keys (you can clip out of bounds, navigate to where the TARDIS is and clip back in bounds but it is very hard) Heres a YouTube video of me doing Puzzle Solving 4: A good tip for Puzzle Solving 4 (and other levels) is to maximise your flash player window but under view, select "100%" instead of "Show All". This makes it so that you can see the player moving outside of the normal bounds of the map and makes some tricks easier I think Puzzle Solving 7 can be done in no keys because I can get past the circle key without collecting it but collecting the sonic screwdriver fuel may be impossible Agility 10 can be done in 2 keys (you can skip the triangle key (which is very hard) and the star key (which is pretty easy imo) Focus 7 will most likely remain at 3 keys but I might try and find a way to skip it Focus 8 might be improvable but for now it stays at 7 keys

Overall, I've cut off 8 keys to bring the total down to 27

Отредактировано пользователем автор 1 year ago
Wiltshire, England

Also if you could upload the video that'd be great

United Kingdom

Yeah, some of the strats you point out I've also tried. Didn't know about that timing 9 strat though, thanks for pointing it out. Yeah Puzzle Solving 4 I've managed to get down, it's just really tricky for me, but I managed to get that in a run yesterday. Collecting the fuel in Puzzle Solving 7 is possible, I've managed to do it a few times, it's just really hard. doing it without keys is even harder, but I have managed to do it, you just need to use the little space you have between the edge of the platform and the key to make a running jump for the energy. And I didn't know you could skip the Triangle key, but now that I have tried it, I'll definitely incorporate that skip to my run. Yup, Focus 7 and 8 are the prime subjects of my investigations into this run, they seem so close to improvability that I can't ignore them.

An additional skippable key is in Basic Training 12, you collect the first key, grab the fuel then clip out of the top of the structure, drop down then glitch through the floor of the green platform to collect the next fuel, so theres an additional key to cut out of the run, for a total of 27 keys, so we've almost cut out 3/4ths of all the keys in the game lol.

On the speedrun side, I managed to do a run of 14:07 which collects 31 keys, including some of the four that you have cut out, but I think the run will probably start to get longer, the more keys we cut out.

On my 'hit list' so to speak, are Agility 10, Focus 7 and Focus 8. on A10 it just seems like skipping the circle key might just be on the brink of possibility, but I'm not sure, I really want to skip that one. similar with Focus 7, the platforms just look low enough that it should be possible to reach somehow, and Focus 8 because 7 keys is way too many keys to let a level get away with. so with my optimistic guess, we could be able to skip up to 11 more keys, but that's a bit too optimistic, so maybe 3 or 4 is more realistic.

Along with the keys, I have looked into other sorts of runs, something like "True Low%", collect the least amount of key, collect the least amount of energy, draw the least amount of lines, draw the smallest lines. a true minimalist speedrun lol

United Kingdom

Sure I'll upload it now

United Kingdom

Here's the video of the 14 minute one, and before you ask, no I have no idea what I was thinking on Training 13 lol

Wiltshire, England

The thing with Focus 8 is that you can actually reach the star gate with only one key but you can't get through it without the star key

This is an example of what I mean

Отредактировано пользователем автор 1 year ago
Wiltshire, England

Also the bonus level can be done using 1 key but it might be able to be done in no keys

Wiltshire, England

I have the feeling that if any of the keys in Focus 7 could be skipped it would be the last one because I think you could somehow get a glitch jump on the platform that the TARDIS is on and then somehow make it to the Tardis

United Kingdom

Actually, I did just get something on Focus 7, before you collect any keys, on the small slope thing that is really close to the player, if you try to jump up to it, you just clip through the floor/roof until you fall to the ground, but I kept pressing the jump button and at one point I did get a small jump while clipping through the celling near that safe code, not sure if this could be of any use, I've not manage to replicate it yet, but I'll continue to look.

Wiltshire, England

I've got that a couple of times, doesn't seem to be that useful though The kinda unhelpful thing is that you can't see the Skullion's feet which means that you can't really tell when you've got the glitch jump (cos in the other chapters the other characters have visible feet which gives a way to tell whether you're gonna get a glitch jump or not)

Отредактировано пользователем автор 1 year ago
Wiltshire, England

What I think causes the glitch jumps is you clip through the floor, then you stand on the part of the ceiling that's on the floor then jump (if you get what I mean)

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