I've added a glitchless any% category. For now, I'm considering glitches to be the pot trick to reach places you're not actually supposed to be able to reach, the spell trick where you cast a spell before a cutscene so that it finishes during a cutscene, etc.
Basically glitchless is for playing the game through on the path the developers intended with no skips.
Anyway, my run has been moved over as when I started running this it was just after launch and there were no glitches found at that time yet. The last place run on the Any% board has been removed altogether as the video link is broken. I went to their Youtube channel and there are only 2 videos and they have no other links other than discord on their profile. If we get an active link so that I can check it for glitches, I'll add their time back to the appropriate leaderboard. Everyone else stays put on the regular Any% board as the other runs all use some form of "glitch". All the other rules are the same.
Category separation was done because Any% is slowly getting super fast at this point so for anyone that actually wants to do a longer run, we've added this as another category for you.
Let me know if you have any questions. And thanks to Nupali for the suggestion.
there should still be one skip allowed in glitchless : the "climbing" part a little bit after grabbing the Earth spell, i wouldn't consider it a glitch since it's just jumping and it doesn't use an unintended effect (like the boost from jumping on a pot) - but yeah besides that there shouldn't be any other sequence breaks
Alright the publisher of Trikaya responded and said that casting a spell before a cutscene (and having it finish during the cutscene) was not intentional behavior. So, it's essentially a glitch. They also said since it's a student project game, it won't be possible to patch it so it stays in the any% category and glitchless cannot use that. So, it doesn't change anything but I just wanted to let everyone know what I found out.