Glitchless Rule Update and Moderation Information
Glitchless Rule Update and Moderation Information
Опубликовано 4 months ago от

The following announcement applies to glitchless runs which play the TR1 level Caves. The announcement is in response to the Caves bridge pull-up glitch, demonstrated with visuals by TrexOfTerror in this video.

  1. The moderation team will move forward with the ruling that the maneuver is a glitch, as described in the linked video.

    • In summary, if Lara goes through the rope mesh, a glitch was performed.
  2. Already-approved runs using this glitch will remain approved but will have a time penalty of 2 seconds applied.

  3. There will be a temporary "1 Strike" policy for future glitchless run submissions with this glitch.

    • If a runner submits a run with the glitch, the run will have a penalty of 2 seconds applied but will still be approved. If the same runner submits another run with the glitch, the run will be rejected.

    • This grace period will expire at the end of this year; starting in 2025, all glitchless run submissions containing this glitch will be rejected.

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