Glitchless will need a category.
7 years ago
Michigan, USA

Hey, I've been documenting a few exploits in this game and found a glitch that if timed right you're able to skip a good section of the game near the end when you are in the overview underground section.

The glitch involves making the game force walk you past the worlds wall collision as you exploit barons flying cancellation. I've duplicated this exploit on real hardware as well as a emulator though I still need to make a video explaining as proof on real hardware..

Another issue with my documentation is part of the glitch is very RNG and I only have a few savestates after triggering the glitch though the good news is the savestate is while the game is paused right before it's triggered and you can trigger a few variations of the glitch with the savestate. .

Without the RNG and the collision skip exploit that I have seen no other documentation for, the underground flying baron skip can still be used to shave a few minutes off the world record time and with this exploit being documented I'd think this alone would warrant a new category.

I'd hope to get a video made about this exploit soon and hopefully find out how to get rid of that RNG.

megabc333 нравится это
Michigan, USA

Since I'm on the topic of glitches, I also documented 2 more. Sadly both minor though they should be mentioned.

A minor one can leave the monkey in its original spot even after talking to him and obtaining his item.

This one shows that a few tiles are not zoned right and this lets you be in the water without the ability to swim.

I don't have a picture of it though the guy that's at the front of that town later in the game, if you do the quests in the right order he'll have a duplicate of himself from another quest line.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 7 years ago
Michigan, USA

I should also point out that the first glitch is the baron overworld flying stopper. The one that keeps baron on the overworld map in the few sections of the game that act like cities..

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