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3 years ago
Languedoc-Roussillon, France

I'm going to update soon the guides, thanks to a future challenger that gave me new tips. Thanks again to him !


You're welcome :) So i did a few iterations on the boss% category and came up with something like this:

Stats: STR: 160 max before crashing due to carry weight int overflow (no its not win10 issue INT: 12 just enough for 4 necessary skills, so we dont spend too much time in level-up screen CHA: 18 gives +4 tto UMD


feats: lvl1: MWP: Greatsword, SP: Search lvl3: Investigator

skills: search: 3 UMD:3 spellcraft: 7 survival: 3

spells: lvl1: identify, enlarge person lvl2: some cantrip lvl3: expeditious retreat lvl4: ghoul's touch, some cantrip

Start a CG party, choose your char. After pressing "begin adventure" wait for a second then press "1" 10-15 times then press "m" this will bring up the map as soon as the game loads. Travel to north Homlet Walk south and immediately west with the road to speak with Black Jay (he's the guy with a green cloak and a bow and bunch of animals) 1-1-1-1-4-4 Fast travel back to North Homlet and enter the church. Speak with cleric 1-2-2 and kill him level up Go upstairs and loot the bookcase. We need only one scroll, raise dead (left column, 4th row) Now cast enlarge person on your char and kill the main priest. you should be able to do it in two hits. His speed is 20 due to armor, so if you hit him with "single attack" and run away he will run to you but will not have time to attack. Dismiss enlarge person/wait 1h otherwise the game may crash when you pick up the ring (you now have 162 strength) Get the ring of invisibility from him and identify both the ring and the scroll now. Levelup Get out and use the ring while running Travel to Mothouse and run strait to the drow Kill him, then resurrect him with the scroll. If he doesn't start the dialog press "c" to go to combat mode then press space to end your turn At the beginning of his turn he will check his health (1hp) and surrender 2-4-1-1-2-1 This will teleport you to the temple. Walk behind the drow (to get out of sight of the guard) and kill him Get to the skull Levelup After exiting to the secret ladder you came down with, continue running to the left. There is another ladder up, take it, it will get you to the surface. Now fast travel toruined tower and exit to temple map. fast travel to temple map to get closer to the entrance. Get inside, to the boss. Just before you reach her cast expeditious retreat and ghoul's tough Talk to her 1-1-3-1-1-1-3 (we do it with style) Before the combat starts run to her. When the combat starts you will go first. Get to her point blank and "discharge touch attack" If successful (unless you roll 1) she will be paralysed and you will automatically start next turn. Cope de grace the hell outta her.

Some side notes: You can start a game on a character and play until you get the items/spells you need and bind your hot-keys. To bind hot-keys hold left control and press the key you want to bind, when the wheel menu will appear choose the item you want and it will be bound to the selected key. Then start a new game with the same char and all your bindings will remain as they were, so you don't have to do it mid-game.

There is another possible route with wizard. skipping one level-up. you need to craft identify/read magic scroll and sleep with the dead drow body to memorize ghoul's touch.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 3 years ago
Languedoc-Roussillon, France

'k I'll put that in the guide ! Don't hesitate to send a run ! I'm not going to try it now ^^

Languedoc-Roussillon, France

Thanks to you, I updated the guides ^^ !


Hopefully this Friday/Saturday i'll come to recording a run for the first time :) I already tried recording with OBS and livesplit but it didn't capture the timer. Is it because i'm running in fullscreen? Also, I think you run the game in window mode, is there any way to increase the resolution?


nm that crap, i just found a bug and a new route. got 3:50 first try now i'm trying to get like 3:30 and i'll post it on youtube

Languedoc-Roussillon, France

Oh my freaking god, this is insane, I don't imagine the best time you can do with that glitch. GG to you, it'll be harder to take back the WR !

Languedoc-Roussillon, France

I swear, maybe this week-end I'll update the guides lmfao.

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