I've posted an English subtitled version of the explanation video.
4 years ago
Chiba, Japan

This video is the English-subtitled version of the Speedrun explanation video I posted on Nico Nico Douga in Japan. (Sorry, the audio is still in Japanese.) There are 22 videos in total. I have just posted the first one but will post the rest as soon as I finish editing.

I've tried to include as much strategy knowledge as possible, so I hope this will help you out. (There is a lot of joking around in this one, though.)

If you are interested, please take a look.

Savantaneus и MikeZorD нравится это

Amazing video, very well done! This is a great introduction to this game. Sadly some points regarding the rules are a outdated as you mentioned in the video with a note. For example the use of IGT as opposed to RTA:

  • You make a good point and both me and Savantaneus discussed about it. I ran some tests and concluded that unfortunately this game's IGT is not very accurate and consistent. What I did was I loaded a save before chapter 20 and proceeded to complete it multiple times (around 3-5 times from the save save file), and every time I finished it I recorded the overall clear time, then I went back to check the ranking menus and added up every chapter timer to then subtract this from the previous overall clear time and I kept getting a difference of 9, 8 and 7 seconds each time. I made sure to double check if I was looking at the correct ranking and also double checked the calculations using more than one method of adding timers.

So for example: One of my examples for overall time would be 3:02:46 And all my level timers added up (for that same story mode) would be 3:02:37

Both these timers would never coincide with each other every time I compared the two. So I cannot say that the IGT is accurate and reliable to be considered a viable choice for time submission. We also weren't happy with the fact that players could simply reset the level during a full run every time they weren't satisfied with their time if we went with IGT, as all the levels you don't finish won't count towards your final time.

Chiba, Japan

A happy New Year! And thanks for watching my videos. I've posted a second video, so I hope you'll watch it again.

I don't have any objection to the rule changes. I will follow the moderator's decision. I don't think there is any need to stick with IGT if IGT can't ensure accuracy. I thought it was the right decision. Keep up the excellent work!


Happy New Year! Thank you for understanding and also awesome work once again with your video guides. I look forward in watching them all.

Delaware, USA

It's possible/probable that the game is taking the milliseconds of all the levels at that point and dumping them into the overall IGT. Devil May Cry does something similar, just to make the display of per level IGT cleaner. All mission times added up are usually about 12 seconds off the full-game IGT.

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