Managing ShadowClan Aggro
Managing ShadowClan Aggro
Обновлено 1 year ago от LilQuade

Written by the game creator, Leonard:

Here's the list of all the factors that influence how many cats ShadowClan will send.

From lowest to highest, it will respectively result in:

Peace ending. Rebel ending (where only a few ShadowClan cats attack on their own) Normal war Full-out war (almost every ShadowClan cat attacks) Worst ending.

Here are the factors that increase the number of cats: ++++ Stealing herbs from ShadowClan territory +++ Confirming that ThunderClan killed Spidershade.

  • Saying that Ravenwing didn't find Spidershade's body.
  • Said that ThunderClan was attacked by a Fox recently.
  • Told Mousepaw that a Clanmate wanted to apologize.
  • Not dealing with Mousepaw at all. +++ Telling Thrushfeather that Pebbleskip will show up at the border. (0)/+/++ Number of marks at ShadowClan border - the more, the fewer cats ShadowClan will send. The zero represents a point at which Thrushfeather scolds You. ++ Nutkit is missing from ShadowClan. ++++ Hawks complete their mission on Day 6 (i.e. You didn't inform Amberflame that something is happening).
  • WindClan border was barely marked. ++ Helped Duskpaw fight Toadtail.
  • Let Duskpaw fight Toadtail.

If Hawk: ++ Told Mousepaw that a Clanmate wanted to apologize.

  • Lost battle at Bushy Hill. ++ Kestrelpaw joined Hawks and war is unlikely
  • Didn't convince Blackheart to give herbs to ShadowClan. +++ Spy not found out. +++ Crossed border with Kestrelpaw. ++ Told Magpieburr that Waspwing won't be at ShadowClan border the day after the gathering. ++++ Crossed the border. ++++ Fought with any ShadowClan border patrol. +++ Sent Rogues to ShadowClan territory.
  • Picked up a feather from ShadowClan territory.

Factors that reduce the number of cats ShadowClan will send:

  • Saying that Ravenwing found the body.
  • Denying that Fox attacked ThunderClan recently. ---/- Passing the apology to Pebbleskip (more if neither Mousepaw nor Thrushfeather know about the quest). -- Nutkit is in ShadowClan.
  • Both Player and Kestrelpaw attend Dove meeting. ---- Amberflame interrupts Hawks plans.
  • Telling Magpieburr that Waspwing will be near the ShadowClan border the next day. -- Kestrelpaw is a Hawk and you'd get a full-out war or the worst ending.
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