9 years ago
Czech Republic

OK, so... I'm not gonna be doing a run soon (but I will one day, I love this game), but I think the rules needs some work. Since TDU doesn't have any real end, "any%" category is kinda misleading since you have to win all races, so it should be more like "All races". Also, do you have to complete all races on gold?

Btw, IL table might be quite interesting, especially the one hour race (can't recall the name) around the whole island.


xD not checked forums for a long time , im back. You sure , its should be all races but not on gold , thats gonna require only 100%. I will add some IL's if i found all races(too can't remind names)


If you want i can give you mod for all TD series Edit : I give you mod to all TD series


Hi, I was thinking of doing "Reach Champion-level" run (need to get 450 points). Even without multiplayer points that is still possible to achieve (If Ace-level is possible it could take too long to be fun).

Was it that "Simulation Driving" -physics thingy(edit: It's called Hardcore-mode) and Oahu Raceway are unlocked after reaching Champion-level (450p)?

Total of 450p

Also just found out that you can do "Win 5 Instant Challenges" thing to get 10p in single player against AI even though it's listed under Multiplayer Challenges(in Game Progress menu). And doing 12 more missions(to reach total of 15) gives 25p more.

So there could some different ways to get enough points, but I'm not sure(yet) if they are any faster than this 450p example I made.

I've done some routing for the first 70-80 minutes (at 160p). At 160p (80minutes in) I've completed 23 Gold Cups(gives total of 60p), 3-5 missions(gives 15p), I have 4 cars(gives total of 35p), 2 houses(gives 20p), ecko unltd clothes(gives 10p), ben sherman clothes(gives 10p), driven over 30miles(gives 10p)

I'm not sure yet if this type of run(reach Champion-level or get 450p) would include some Speed-challenge grind(and how many minutes of grind you have to do) to get money for those Car Collector points.

I estimate that Champion-level(450p) run will be 4,5-6hours long, it all depends how much you have to take restart for challenges/mission etc because AI traffic behavior and invisible police cars can cause some issues.

(Expert-level run could be possible in under 2hours, that level unlocks the Ford Island-circuit)

Отредактировано пользователем автор 8 years ago
Czech Republic

That sounds like a good category, although a bit long imho :)


very long, but good category :)

Czech Republic

Oh wait, 4-6 hours? That's not that long.


6h 10min 10.77s was my 1st Champion run (with maybe at least 30min worth of mistakes and other time losses like checking menus).

I Did route with only 3-5 missions to get at least 20 coupons(for cloth points) and didn't own 3 different Fords. Had to pay fines for total of 35k.

Very end of the run(last thing) had lot of money grinding. I did 40 second speed challenge 58 times (takes 39minutes minimum) because otherwise there's not enough money to buy 3 cars from certain manufacturer (ferrari 230k+170k+150k, lamborghini 193k+170k, aston martin 161k+148, mercedes benz 107k+90k+73k).

edit: I might have found a money glitch, "Alone against the time" challenge (for D-group car) paid out $115.000 when the normal gold cup prize money is $15.000. I used Aston Martin V8 Vantage (have to test another time if it's only one time glitch or if it's car specific). If this works multiple times it will reduce money grinding time to half (takes only 20-25min instead of 40-45min) and time limit on this challenge is quite generous so failing it is almost impossible. It pays 115k in 2 minutes when the next best grinding place(180mph on a winding route) pays at best 60k in 2 minutes (also more likely that u have to use more time because of failing).

edit 2:^That thing didn't happen twice. Maybe it was money award for something but I don't know for what because that challenge gave me the 31st gold cup (so it wasn't for hitting 30GC), After that challenge there was extra 100k added to my balance but I don't know for what.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 8 years ago
Czech Republic

I've added "champion rank" category. Let me know if you want to change the rules as I don't remember how the game works exactly.

Czech Republic

Actually, I removed it since it doesn't make sense. You will pretty much always hit the same %

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