Console categorys
3 years ago
Louisiana, USA

I think console should have it's own category of runs or maybe a whole new game for console if this can't happen maybe when cross platform comes to Terraria then we can have console as a category cause technically there two different games idk I just want I way to speedrun Terrria on console

FireFoxs нравится это

Not sure about this, but I think you can submit console runs to its respective category depending on the game version.

As for a new category, theres simply not enough demand/players for that.

As I said before, you can submit console/mobile runs, there just isn't a separate category for them.

Texas, USA

I've always wanted a category for console and mobile. There has just never been enough active runners to warrant the addition of a separate category.


I realise that you want an option under 'platform' for other platforms than PC, not a separate category. The reason we're not doing that is that having more than one platform option automatically creates a variable (and SR.C gives no option to hide it), so when viewing the leaderboard on desktop, you would see a "Platform" variable alongside "Difficulty" and "Exact patch", which is extra unwarranted clutter. As of now, submitting non-PC runs despite the "Platform" specifying PC, is allowed, as long as you submit to the corresponding version category (1.4 or 1.3)

Отредактировано пользователем автор 2 years ago

Actually, scrap what I said above. I just realised that the leaderboard doesn't Have to specify a platform, so I unchecked PC. Other platforms are now formally accepted, as long as you're running a version equivalent of PC or newer.

FireFoxs нравится это
United States

what if you wanna do ds runs?

I believe ds runs can't be accepted due to the version being too outdated.

Santa Catarina, Brazil

for me, I think it's very unfair not to have a console category. I bought a keyboard and mouse to see if it improves but there are some bugs like: when you are going to duplicate an item in the journey, on the mouse you can't take a pack at once, you have to keep holding and taking one at a time, and Control cannot move while you have the inventory or menu open.

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