A few pointers for new Any% runners
A few pointers for new Any% runners
Обновлено 4 months ago от howlin_mad_mike

Just dropping some hints and tips since there are a few things I do during runs that aren't overly obvious or I don't openly discuss.


You don't have to watch all of the cutscenes, but some are mandatory. - Off the top of my head, the following are required watching:

  • The first gramophone record and the guests entrance
  • Edward Knox's death in the attic - This is somewhat unique as there's no puzzle to solve at the time, but if you leave the room early to go down to the basement, you will have to watch it again when you return.
  • The pre-ending encounter with Stauf
  • All room completion scenes

And I really do emphasize the last one. DO NOT leave a room upon completion of the puzzles, and playing of the cutscene, until you either hear the clock or (more safer) the room transitioning to it's 'clean' state. - If you leave too early, you may have to watch the cutscene all over again.

And in regard to 'watching' the cutscenes, this isn't necessary. Once you've triggered the cutscene, spend your time collecting coins or getting next to the exit ready to leave. Just DO NOT LEAVE until the cutscene is over or the room will not be logged as completed.

Cutscene Triggers

Cutscenes have a trigger point. Somewhere you need to stand to get them to activate. Learn where these are as they can pretty quickly mount up to some impressive time saves.

Movement/Quick Travel

Get familiar with the quick 'jump' movement system. I use both systems in my run. The 'jump' movement is a lot trickier (and prone to mistakes - overshooting, etc.), but if you only manually moved you could easily add 15 minutes to even the most efficient of runs.

Learn the Puzzles

Take the time to learn the solution to each puzzle. Even those you skip. - As part of the Any% category, the key is clearly the best optimisation of the 'auto-solve' feature, but what's fast for others might be slower for you. My skips are generally based around 3 factors; those that take the longest to solve, those I find the most difficult/clunky to solve quickly, and those which can be squeezed in without impacting the puzzles within the above two criteria.

As you practice more, you might find yourself changing things on the fly. So knowing the solution to all the puzzles will help you best find your path/routing.

The only puzzle you must not be waiting on a cooldown for is the final 'SOS' battle with Stauf. This is quite literally the last input you may have to make and any standing around is pure time loss.

The Route

The current route is not written in stone. There are times where you have limited access to other rooms and sometimes skipping between them can be advantageous. There might, however, be puzzles which you'd prefer to skip meaning you might want to look at your own personal route optimisation.

Which Puzzles to Autosolve?

This will depend on your routing, but I would strongly recommend the following based on their long completion times:

  • The train (Knox bedroom)
  • Doll Guillotine (Doll room)
  • Bathroom escapades (the third cockroach puzzle in the bathroom)
  • SOS (Final encounter with Stauf)

Some I'd recommend skipping (because they're clunky):

  • Path of Life (Julia's room)
  • The meat puzzle (kitchen)

General Musings/Tricks:

  • There is an actual tech to rowing the boat at the time, big long strides, particularly those that stretch behind you, work much faster. Try and get one of these in just before you hit the dock though (this can save you around 5 seconds as it speeds your entry up a little).
  • The 2nd part of the doll puzzle can be done while waiting for the first part's autosolve to cool down. Just get the dolls where they need to be, and when you autosolve the first part, literally pick up any doll and put it back down in the same place. Alas, the second solution doesn't trigger automatically, but finding this saved me a LOT of time.
  • Train. You can glitch the train in the Knox's room. Wait for it to butt up and hit the compartment, then quickly toggle the 'forward/backwards and neutral switch'. You'll clip through it and can simply reverse up to attach to the carriage.
  • Don't bother pre-emptively positioning the guests death location in the attic house puzzle as some kind of time save. They reset every time you leave the room.
  • You shouldn't need to pick up any more than around 26 Stauf coins. You require 10 to quicksolve the last puzzle though so bear this in mind. - There's nothing wrong with picking up as many as you like though, and particularly so kill time during cutscenes.
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