New categories or individual level leaderboards?
5 years ago

Would you like level leader boards or more categories added to the board? Basic suggestion thread. Thanks for playing and I hope you have fun.

Piedmont, Italy

Hi! :) I think that would be interesting to add the single levels. Moreover we have three survival levels, but I don't know if in these levels you can go on to infinity or not.


Im not sure if the survival levels go on for infinity I will test over the weekend. Added level leaderboards sort of, will work on getting them put in difficulty ranking on weekend just been a bit busy. @LeeBoon I found a glitch on The Storm which stopped the big ship thing at the end firing at you at all, dont know how it happened but it would save a lot of time if I can figure out how I did it. Will keep you posted and keep an eye out if you see it yourself


Also dont submit any times to the level leaderboard yet, going to time Lee's levels from his run manually and add them on weekend.

Piedmont, Italy

I didn't know the glitch on The Storm. I've never seen it. :O I think that would be better to add the four difficulty levels also in the level leaderboard. What do you think?


Yea definitely going to do that it didn't seem to work though when I added them, so I shall sort it out properly on the weekend then add your times from your WR's in. Was maybe thinking of separate categories for the different available ships also as I don't think fast beating bosses is possible with the alien ship thing or just a sub category for that anyways we shall figure it out.

Piedmont, Italy

I think it's a good idea to split categories for different ships.


Ive been a wee bit busy so I havent had a chance to finish up the leaderboard. Added you as a mod for the game Lee as your more active in it than I am at the minute.

LeeBoon нравится это
Piedmont, Italy

Thanks @Peacefroggie I split the categories for the different available ships in the full-game leaderboard. Please check it and make sure everything is good. :) If that's ok, I'll separate categories for the different available ships and the four difficulty levels too in the level leaderboard.


Your doing gods work, thanks.

Piedmont, Italy

@Peacefroggie I separated categories for the different available ships and the four difficulty levels too in the level leaderboard. Moreover I modified the full-game leaderboard. Now I think that it is better compared to my previous change. Please check if it is ok! :)


Its smashing more than I have been able to do. Sorry real lifes kicking me in the teeth ffs

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