Clone Wars Campaign Guide
Clone Wars Campaign Guide
Обновлено 2 years ago от Dark_Phantom

Updated 3/6/22 with current WR strats. RNG Manip has also been addressed for map 1.

Clone Wars (CW) consists of 7 maps (3 as CIS, 4 as Republic). The maps are slightly different than Instant Action and follow a story-based format with varying units.

XBOX and PS2 run the same stats as PC version 1.0 with the exception of slightly longer PC load times and no auto aim. However, version 1.0 only came on the three disc set. Best of PC and Fan Favorites both came with version 1.2, which has some differences from 1.0.

RELEVANT TO CW Vehicle hitpoints lowered EMP Launcher reload time increased, longer jet recharge time for REP Jet Trooper, more health for Droideka Shield

Some initial notes: Strategies are subjective and improvements are always welcome. I will note a few things that I have noticed and think are currently optimal, but they are not set in stone obviously. However, I will generally assume that you are familiar with the classes and loadouts and map layouts and basic game mechanics.

RNG Manip is implemented in this Run on PC 1.2: Go to Instant Action, load Jabba's Palace (either era), spawn, shoot twice, and then Quit. You may now go and start the run as normal. RNG Manip on Console/Steam (1.3): It's best to play this category off a fresh boot, it gives pretty close to same RNG as PC 1.2.

Naboo: Plains Spawn (CLASS: Pilot) as quickly as you can and grab a tank and take it down to the Heads (left Command Post). If RNG manip was used, there should only be 3 Gungans on each version. Kill all 3 before they build turrets then head towards the shields. You may want to back up towards the shields to kill any Gungans that respawn.

If not using RNG manip, kill as many as you can at the Heads before you get out, but don’t take too much time. The only weapons the Gungans have are grenades here, so if you see blue, start moving. You can go ahead and take the CP or just neutralize it and continue to the shields.

Go inside the shield and proceed to take out the back Fambaa. Swap between the main pilot and the turret on top for max damage. You shouldn’t have too much trouble, but on occasion the turrets can whittle down your health to dangerous levels, so don’t be afraid to shoot the closest one.

After the Fambaa is down (don’t worry about the second one), drive to the back CP (Redoubt), get out, and go up into the head – there’s only two ways to attack you and you keep holding the CP. Kill Gungans and heal as necessary (pilot dispenser is amazing). Generally you only get attacked from the CP side, but once in a while a Gungan is able to successfully toss a grenade in from the front. You shouldn’t have any issues once you have the CP. If for some reason your AI did not capture the heads, you may need to tank smash the Gungans there or just reset.

Alternate Strat: If not using RNG manip, you can consistently stay in the 2:30-2:45 range by taking a STAP to the heads, neutralizing the CP and killing all the Gungans, and then using the STAP to grab a tank. The benefit is that you get a buddy and they can help take the Redoubt.

Risky Strat, Big Reward: If you can get your tank just in front of the head at the Reboubt we camp in while firing at the Fambaa, you can exit your tank inside the head and save several seconds of turret destroying. You have to be aware of both the window and the turret outside the door. The turret will fire if it sees you and Gungans will try to fix the tank and turn and throw grenades at you.

Keep in mind: On rare occasions, a Gungan will slip away and grab a back CP. It’s happened to me occasionally, so it’s not a big worry, but can stop a run before it even really starts.

Naboo: Theed Spawn (Pilot) at the top right CP and grab the tank quickly. Because of a scripting typo, this map does not have the delay that the others do, so you need to move fast because you can get a bad spawn. Make sure you have a copilot, then go down to the bottom right CP (Guard) and capture it, killing any guards in your way. A Gian Speeder may come your way, and there are three options: drive by, kill the drivers, or pull a Phantom and smash their tank with yours by shoving it in a corner. Killing the drivers is tricky but is best because they might head for and take the top right CP, which is a big risk on this level. They can also harass you while you take the Guard.

Tell your AI to get out of the tank with you to cap the CP, and when the CP is captured, get in it again and take out the turrets around the bottom middle CP (Palace). There’s one right as you leave the Guard, then one on either side of the courtyard. Drop off your AI in the center, and harass the enemies as you go to the bottom left CP (Office).

Exit your vehicle and sprint (at least as fast as BF1 will let you) up the stairs. Because this should be their last CP, they are going to all spawn there and try to take you out. Find a comfortable spot, preferably near the pseudo-doors because less troops can see you there, and take them out as quick as possible. If all goes right, you should have all three CPs and the timer will count down. Respawn quickly if you have to save a CP.

Note: You may have to respawn quickly to help the Office, as it is usually

Keep in mind: This map is volatile. One session you can run a very quick time and the next can really be bad because the AI picks different spawns and objectives. It is probably right around 50% of the time that the enemy AI grabs the top left CP (Office) and tries to take the top middle CP (Rotunda). If you get favorable spawns by your AI, it doesn’t lose too much time to go grab the Office. Once in a while they will grab the top right if they drive a tank by and jump out.

Kashyyyk: Islands Spawn (Pilot) at the bottom CP (Landing Zone) and grab a fighter. Drive it to the top Wookiee CP (North Village). Kill some Wookiees right on the CP and land and start capturing it. You can probably just neutralize it or if the Wookiees are being particularly annoying - you can fully capture it.

Get in the fighter and make a beeline for the bottom Wookiee CP (South Village). There are a couple different flight paths you can take, but once you get there, you can hide behind the CP and be totally safe. The CP takes a while to capture, but Wookiees rarely come and there is no spawn point inside.

After the CP is down, there are a few options: YOLO the last CP (Village Center) (this generally takes a few tries because of the amount of Wookiees that spawn there, but is the fastest if successful). The safer strat is to use the fighter to strafe all the Wookiees until they bleed out. There is also a strat that utilizes the fighter as a barricade to help cap the CP. In any case, this is a reasonably safe map usually.

Very Risky Strat, High Reward: If you use a deka, there is a possibility this map could be faster, but unlikely without manip. Making a beeline to the South Village and entrusting the entire map to AI is a possibility but not a recommended one.

Keep in mind: Same as before, RNG dictates where the Wookiees go. Your teammates can get overwhelmed and the bottom CP (Landing Zone) can be captured, and it takes a long time to get it back because of how far it is. Once in a while the North Village and the West Harbor get captured too.

Geonosis: Spire Spawn (whatever) at the back CP (Command Center) and jump in a LAAT gunship. Take off immediately and set up a gunship strafe, which you can watch in the top videos (setup sideways, press down one way and then wave your mouse back and forth.) Hop out and grab the spider on the right side of the map. If you fail, grab an ATTE and go to the right side as well. Your goal is to destroy all three Techno Union Ships as fast as possible.

Consoles can use the gunship to take out Techno Union Ships - they do a lot more damage than on PC. Once you take out all 3 (you can also leave the 3rd one for an AT-TE if you want, but it may not get destroyed), land at the back door of the Spire and order your AI you get out. It may take two or three tries. Then, you have to get out and try to corral them using the Follow Me command (only 2 can follow at a time). Take as many as you can into the Spire and capture it.

The remainder of the battle is based on what command posts are left. If one side is owned by the CIS, then go that direction. If both are owned, then you probably want to go to out the East Bunker (right side of the map) because it is closer. Capture the bunkers and make a run for the derelict if you need to.

Keep in mind: This map can take forever. Some bad RNG can make it go from 5 or 6 minutes to 10 minutes, even if you are playing “perfectly.”

Kamino: Tipoca City This is where the fun begins. Spawn (Jet Trooper) and fly out the center door and go down the steps. (If you have enough jet, you can also fly straight toward the enemy CP.) As you go down the steps, throw at least two grenades on the walkway from the CIS CP. Once you’ve successfully slowed down the AI (you may need to take out a Droideka or two and may die in the process), cut around the CIS CP (on the rounded part, may want to see movement in one of the top videos) to get up to the Alpha 3 CP. If you can fire a shot up there before a CIS droid gets up there, do it to distract them until you can get enough jet to get up there. Ideally, you reach it before they do, but this requires precise movement and just a little luck.

If you die, or the CIS reaches the Alpha 3 before you, your team generally has captured the Alpha 2 to spawn at. If not, spawn at the Cloning Center and capture it and work your way to the Alpha 3. This could take a while if they start spawning en masse there.

Once you get the Alpha 3, take out the CIS droids on the platform overlooking the Alpha 1. Then go Rambo on the Alpha 1 until you take out all their reinforcements or capture it.

This map can be the fastest in the entire run, but it can also be pretty slow. This is one of the few parts of the run where movement can be really important to achieving a good time. The Jet Trooper only has so much fuel (well, on 1.2 anyway. 1.0 and console has a lot more fuel), and it is needed to execute the movement from Alpha 1 to Alpha 3 well.

Rhen Var: Harbor

Spawn (Jet in the Ice Caves and make your way towards the town (Harbor, whatever, it’s the town). Go as fast as you can to reach a tank, and use said tank to push the other AAT into the wall. The enemy AI are not smart enough to enter vehicles near walls/barriers, so it will not be taken by the CIS. You’ll want to take out anyone who tries to get up to the Lighthouse or into the Ice Caves as well. Park your tank at the steps next to the ice caves, then making a beeline for the far right CP (Fortress) is usually your best bet. You can also make a stop and capture the lighthouse, but it isn't totally necessary.

You can capture the Fortress in many different ways: There are two elevated locations near the CP that can be safer but it's very easy to walk out of the radius or get hit by a stray nade. It's usually easier to fight the good fight and centralize yourself around either the ammo or health droid and kill all the droids around you while staying out of the turrets' line of sight. Kill the droids in the turrets after you neutralize the CP or are near capturing it.

After grabbing the Fortress, work your way to the tank that is nicely still sitting against the wall where no AI has touched it. Jump in, kill a few droids, block off one of the stairwells, then jet jump into the Citadel. The turrets can be a pain so it doesn't hurt to blow them with the tank. The biggest door has a set of steps that you can crouch behind the first pillar on to capture. It is not completely safe, but many less AI walk by you than any other place. If an AI does walk by you, they have a chance of not seeing you. Do not walk too far up the stairs or all your hard work will go to waste.

Once it is captured, the rest of the map should be clean, or you may have to do a lighthouse/fortress recapture.

Safe Strat: If you really, really need the lighthouse, you can glitch out of the wall of the Ice Caves (at the CP, go the complete opposite way of the ammo droid and run into the long wall. Search for a hole in the floor and you can fly over to the lighthouse. This does not work on PS2). However, even though this glitch is convenient, it doesn’t really save any time if done at the beginning – I think it is more worth it to grab one tank, especially because it keeps the CIS from hammering your AT-TE and also allows more troops to enter the town to help capture the CPs.

Keep in mind: The Ice Caves is a horrible CP to lose because there is no tank support and it is hard to retake it because it is in such confined quarters. The tank strat has been adopted to mitigate this risk and now the Ice Caves should rarely be lost. There are lots of places to hole up to capture CPs if recaptures are needed but many of them can be fairly slow on this map.

Kashyyyk: Docks There are two independent strats to this map, pick your poison: 1.) Capture the beachhead and attempt to cap all of the other CPs 2.) Capture a Dock, the Landing, the other Dock, and then tank smash all the AI.

Strat #1: Risky McRiskTaker Strategy: Depending on how well Geonosis went, this could be the longest map of your run. Spawn (Jet) at one of the Piers (preferably the left one due to the fact the CP is on the left) and run to the back. Jet-nade off and get to the CP – stealthily avoid those tanks and try not to attract attention of the leaving droids. This is the least defended this CP is the entire map, so we want it now if we're using this strat. Use the CP as a barrier and you can hide from some spawning enemies or use it as a shield if they spot you. If one of the painfully slow Spider Droids comes your way, just use the CP as a barrier. You generally won’t be bothered until you actually neutralize the CP, but by then you don’t have to worry about people spawning behind you and using the CP as a barrier is more viable.

If there is an AAT or STAP left behind, take it (take it, take it!!). It will make this so much easier. 99% of the time this doesn't happen. If you one, drive it to the closest dock, take out the dude in the turret, and drive it up on the dock. Get out and take the CP. If you don’t have a vehicle, you’re going to have to fly to the closest Dock, take out the dude in the turret, and just try to take the Docks on foot. There’s no fancy way to do this – if you can destroy the turret, do it, otherwise, just be precise and make sure no one gets in it because that’s an insta-death at that range.

After taking the first dock, either find an abandoned tank or fly straight for the Landing (beach cp). If you can limit them to 1 CP, you can find an AAT and use it as a barrier to cap the final CP. This strat is very hard to pull off, which is why we at Phantom's Strats Inc. recommend a safer approach unless you need a risky strat to PB.

Strat #2: Tank Smash Extravaganza Spawn as a Jet at either pier (the right one usually is the best way to start). Walk to the final platform without a hut and wait until the AI move just far enough out of range and jump down to the CP. Cap it and kill whoever spawns there and any nearby AI.

See if there are any AATs or STAPs abandoned near you, and take that to the landing, or go on foot. Try to mash follow me to get a buddy to help you take the CP and watch for spawning Dekas on either side. After the capture is made, find a tank or go to the other dock. Seeing a pattern? Always be on the lookout for tanks because you're going to need one after the 2nd dock is captured.

Tank smash as many AI as possible, making sure they don't reach the docks. If you can reach the vehicle repair droid at the Beachhead, then you can spawn kill them much more quickly. Otherwise, just finish off all the AI as fast as possible.

Keep in mind: There is just too much going on in this map, and you are only one soldier. You need to do whatever you can to keep them bleeding and/or have an AAT at your disposal to kill as many troops as possible. Strat #1 is viable but much more risky than Strat #2 - with Strat #2, Droidekas become negated after the AI is left with only the Beachhead and they're all funneled down the center with the exception of tanks.

Congratulations! You made it! Go get yourself a WR now!

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