Setting up Categories & Rules!
8 years ago
New Jersey, USA

I've opened up this thread to discuss each and every mode or category for the game.

Whether that's adding a new listings for a particular type of speedrun, adjusting the rules to an existing one, or any other types of concerns, it all shall be handled here! =D

Texas, USA

This will be big trouble if this is not addressed immediately. The need for an Arcade - ANY category.

What is needed to get a run verified in any of the individual difficulty categories? This is something that is not well defined in the rules.

Yes, I got mad that my run just got dumped into this ANY difficulty category with no rhyme or reason as to why, but the more that I think about it, the more that a choice should be made here. Do we keep the individual difficulty categories, but with a rule with how to display the difficulty for the person verifying the run, or do we just lump all of the runs into an ANY category and allow the best runs float to the top.

What just happened here shouldn't have been allowed to happen at all.

New Jersey, USA

Actually there's a Guide being written up right now and we're revamping the entire rule set.

You just happened to have bad timing since we were planning on adding the changes later in the week along with adding in Runs that represent those changes but according the new rule set being written up your run would fall under the ANY Category.

Sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused but when the new rules were being made we weren't expecting anyone to actually submit any runs until after people noticed we changed the rules & added new runs lol

Отредактировано пользователем автор 7 years ago
Texas, USA

Now that we had the chance to talk like civilized people, I don't have an issue with why the run was placed where it was. Just know that over the next week or so, things will be surprising for the game at large.

New South Wales, Australia

Hey dude, Just wanted to ask/discuss/clarify a couple of things:

  1. Continuing, is it allowed? And if so am I allowed to select one of the continue bonuses? (Most notably the 1/3 hp reduce option). I'm normally in favor of allowing them in Fighting game speedruns as usually its going to be slower anyway and it makes it easier for new runners to get on the board.

This is a unique case however.. since it may be technically possible to get a better IGT by losing intentionally as quick as possible and choosing the 1/3 hp option on continue. Particularly vs Serious Mr Karate/ Shin Akuma who can both kill you quickly and take longer to kill... generally.

Abusing IGT in this way is kinda neat, but perhaps not really in the spirit of it is still slower in RTA.. so maybe it shouldn't be allowed.

  1. Secret Characters ( V ken / D Iori, Geese, Goenitz, Dan, Mars People, Dimitri, Zero).. are they allowed? Should they be? Perhaps they should be placed into a Subcategory? I'd like to know before I attempt a run with one.

I'm open to whatever you think is best. Please let me know, thanks.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
Krayzar и NerdyNester нравится это
United States

I'm rather interested in running with Dimitri (#Darkstalkers%) so I'm interested in the stuff @Tenka mentioned as well.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
NerdyNester и Tenka нравится это
United States

I did a little research on the shoryuken wiki and it looks like all of the arcade selectable characters are tournament legal, including Geese (the birds in the man costume).

There's even a few hacks that backport the character select screen from console versions that are used on Fightcade, though I think it adds something to be able to pull off the codes manually.

Then again, the PS2 and XBox versions appear to be legal and have these characters selectable, so perhaps it would make sense.

There are extra characters in the console ports that aren't normally playable in arcade, so I have no idea how to handle that, but I guess it helps that THEY are only selectable by codes.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
NerdyNester и Tenka нравится это
New South Wales, Australia

Yea I believe there is SVC Chaos "Plus" or something like that that puts them all on the main selection screen but also includes Serious Mr K and Shin Akuma (who arent normally selectable).

You're probably right in that they should be allowed. I just wanted to make sure .. If there is a big discrepency in power level, it might be prudent to make a sub-category for them to try and keep things fair .. but its not a huge issue. I definitely think they should be allowed on the board "in some form or fashion".

Since they are considered tournament legal .. then perhaps just plain allowed is the go after all.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
NerdyNester и Krayzar нравится это
United States

I agree cant see any reason why they couldn't be allowed. Maybe not S Mr K and Shin Akuma but should the be fair with the others, Especially if ps2 and xbox users can use them

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
Krayzar и Tenka нравится это
United States

Actually, just noticed someone submitted a run with Geese a few days ago. According to the tier list, him and Zero are the most broken in the game, so even Shin Akuma and Serious Mr. Karate should be fine.

Do kinda wonder about the legality of the "plus" version still though.

Here's the wiki page I'm referring to:

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
Tenka и NerdyNester нравится это
New Jersey, USA

Well so far in terms of the Runs here it's basically "ANYTHING GOES!" unless there's suddenly a consensus of majority of the Runners of SVC: Chaos that uses of Continues, Secret Characters, Other Versions of the Game like "Plus", and Etcetera should be regulated differently then a standard run.

As of right now a majority of the Runners have been playing the Arcade Versions of the game rather rather than anything else at the moment so differences between Versions of the Game hasn't been an issue so far.

Should folks agree to have something split or in it's own Category it can be done if necessary, however be mindful that it could potentially split the Community for SVC: Chaos Runs depending on where the splitting points are since some other folks may not want to do a Run a Particular way or not agreeing with how something got split.

Either way at the moment there haven't been any issues for folks Running the game yet but should there actually be a consensus by multiple runners of the game to change something then it could be done as long folks are aware of what those changes may entail.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
NerdyNester, Tenka, и Krayzar нравится это
New South Wales, Australia

Thanks Jakato

That seems ok to me.. if no one has any objections Im going to try exploiting continues in my next runs.. if they turn out to end up causing controversy.. I'm ok with them being eventually rejected. I am just curious as to how much time I can save by doing it.

I also have a faster level 4 run that I never submitted because it used continues.. I didn't really attempt to exploit it.. but it was still faster than my current pb, so I might go and submit that one too.

Krayzar и NerdyNester нравится это
New South Wales, Australia

Also, just a suggestion, you might want to add a leaderboard variable for "continues used" with values yes/no.. it might make things easier for you down the track in case rules need to be changed in regards to using them.. be it removing them, making it a subcategory or moving them to the Any category.. etc.

Just in case there is any future issues with it... up to you.

Krayzar и NerdyNester нравится это
New Jersey, USA

Alright added a something that keeps track of "Continues Used" moving forward, just in case, but it's not required to fill out or separated from the Main Runs just yet unless there's a sudden outcry by Multiple Runners that Continues should be it's own separate Sub-Category or in the Any Category since many other games do utilize all standard potential exploits for the sake of Speed.

Should folks for the most part all agree that it should be separated it can be but for now it's still a part of the Main Runs.

Krayzar, NerdyNester, и Tenka нравится это
United States

Cool! I have access to the P2 version of this, so I might see how it stacks up to the current runs. Unless there is something wacky with the IGT or settings, it should be comparable if not a little slower.

Tenka и NerdyNester нравится это
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