Super Metroid Rando League
6 years ago
Michigan, USA

Sorry for the short notice:

A few people of the Super Metroid community have come together to organize a new format for the Randomizer enthusiasts among you. We introduce to you: "The Super Metroid Rando League" How does it work? Very simple! You just fill out this signup sheet and join this discord until October 28th 8pm EDT and you successfully joined. What now expects you is one randomizer race per week for a span of roughly 4 months. Every week you will race a different person (League might be split up into random divisions based on entry numbers). The best players get to join the playoffs. We will stick to one randomizer mode during the season (We made a custom varia preset that is similar to the total tournament rando called Season_Races)

Pls only sign up if you are willing to invest the time to make it a fun experience for everyone. Its only one race per week so it should be well manageable. All playoff games will be restreamed by SG, regular games will be covered either by SG, private restreams or wont be restreamed at all (The focus on this is mostly the races, less the show). For any more questions about points, divisions, organizations, help, etc.. check out the discord. Also pls share this with your friends. This is all about fun and good races.

FrenchLightningJohn и Jaychalke нравится это
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