2.0 experience
6 years ago
Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 10 stars in approx. 30minutes
  • get stuck in 1st bowser for a bit
  • spend a lot of time for 31 stars
  • get stuck in 2nd bowser up to 2 hours
  • obtain key, save&quit and then i got a crash right after the save, and it didnt save so lets do fire sea again
  • spend a lot of time to get the perfect codes to blj the 50 star door but it doesnt matter because you cant do BiTS with 4 lives, platforms changing scale, platforms rotating, everything is going after you and you get stuck, A and B buttons change position, you cant turn left or right OR you randomly go out of bounce on a normal platform and you go gameover OR random crash -waste 5h 30min and dont complete the run
  • lay down and cry
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