Currently we only have FIVE categoires we can compete in for Super Animal Royale. Three of which I think can't be possible to ever do again. "Hamster Ball Race", "Score% (Mobile Version) and "Tutorial Mode". Other than these three categories, the other two, "Win%" and "Talk to Dr. Dogna" are categories that are much more active as they have a simple goal in mind within the speedrun.
I think have more speedrun categories could bring in more people to try to speedrun Super Animal Royale. These new categories could range from these ideas:
"[insert gun here] Kill%", "Find [insert gun here]%", "Kill The Not A Rat%", "Kill The Giant Star-nosed Mole%", "Giving Donk A Banan%", "Putting Banan On Banan Plate In Banan Cave%", "Campire Being Used%", "Emu Kill%", "[insert throwable here] Kill%", "Juice Press Death%".
The list can go on and on. My goal is that I want more things for the community to midle with in the game. At times where there is nothing to do. So if there can be more than just win% or dogna%. I would greatly apprciate it.