Compendium of useless glitches and stuff
Compendium of useless glitches and stuff
Обновлено 7 years ago от mcill

Out of Bounds

You can get out of bounds in: Smashing Start: You can get out of bounds and access the "cutscene area" by pushing a box onto the small hill with the speaker above it, then using that box to jump onto the speaker as the dog. Bark and jump to do a speaker jump that brings you out of bounds. if you move toward the waterfall and hold Z while looking away from the level, you can see the "cutscene area" and jump down into it.

Honeymoon Lagoon: Using a box (from the pond, brought up using the elevator) and a spring sheep, you can jump on the tree at the top of the elevator and then onto a nearby higher platform. From there you can jump to other inaccessible areas. This isn't exactly out of bounds, but close enough.

The Engine Room: As the racing fox, head into the cave and reach the 3 computers blocking your path. Turn around and boost into the diagonal wall at the S-bend in the cave. Now you're stuck, great.

Fat Bear Mountain: Do the FBM jump to get on the roof of the bear cave, then hug the wall and move in the direction of the teleporter. For some reason, the perpendicular wall is way off in the distance and you can just roam around in space for fun.

Stinky Sewers: Get the dog (not the racing dog, the regular one) into the King rat's layer. Jump on top of the toilet and then position yourself against the toilet tank in such a way that the dog is vertical. From there hold forward and jump, just like a gorilla jump. This gets you into the walls. You can follow the walls around the place and if you get to the edge of the level you can walk around there. Its pretty cool, but you can't get back in bounds.

Snow Joke: As the husky, head toward the switch that turns on the fan. Face that switch. Turn it on and move clockwise around the teleporter platform until you are near the first platform you see. Watch that platform. When it finishes floating up, it teleports counterclockwise a bit before doing its normal thing. If you are waiting at that spot when it teleports, you get blasted off into the distance and out of bounds.

Ice 'n' Easy Does It: You know that wall we fly over after collecting the first head? Just fly onto it instead and explore around there.

Penguin Playpen: Basically just do a turbo launch with a penguin and a ski husky and then fly over the walls.

Pinball Blizzard: From the top of the central area..the plateau? Sure. From there you can fly to the edges of the level where there are small areas to walk around on.

Hoppa Choppa: This entire level is out of bounds and you can get there very easily in almost any way you choose. Watch a 99% run to see one of the easier ways.

Jungle Japes: There is an area of the waterfall (on the left side as you approach it) that has invisible water tiles all the way up to the top. You can find the right location by swimming around slowly as the hyena. When you know where the tiles are, you can jump/swim up it as the fish and then jump to the water above the fall, then out of bounds.

Jungle Jumps: As the racing turtle or biker hyena, you can ramp off some of the jumps and onto the wall, then cruise around the level from there.

Fun In The Sun: Turbo launching lets you go weird places. Just turbo launch and fly where you want to go.

Hot Cross Buns: Turbo launching lets you go weird places. Just turbo launch and fly where you want to go.

Whirlwind Tour: If you enter the cheat code that flips your camera upside-down and gives you infinite ability energy (then enter it again to fix your camera but keep infinite energy), you can blast out of bounds as the cannon camel, sometimes, somehow. Turbo launching might also let you go weird places. Try turbo launching and flying where you want to go.

Shifting Sands: After you fall down to the main area of the level, the game REALLY doesn't want you to get back up, I consider getting back up to be out of bounds. Just do a turbo launch near the waterfall and try to get up. Once you're up there, you can't fly very high and the vulture behaves very strangely. You can also get crushed by nothing. It's kinda fun.

Punch-up Pyramid:

TV game freeze

If you bonk into a TV to start the animal stats cutscene and pause on the right frame, the game freezes. I don't know what the right frame is or why you would want to do this, but, well...there it is (JeffGoldblum.jpg).

Delayed level exit

If you pause the game on the same frame that you step on the teleporter and exit the level, you store the level ending trigger or something. If you then select a level with no starting teleporter (Smashing Start, Give-A-Dog-A-Bonus, or Punch-up Pyramid), the level will exit soon after you start it. This might count as beating Smashing Start, which isn't helpful, but it counts as a loss for GADAB and Punch-up because you didn't collect the level trophy.

Level select glitch

If you change levels and select a level at the same time (approx.), the game will tell you you are on the first level, but you will be playing the second level. This is used in runs, but only for its text-swap effect on BCP. Otherwise, useless.

Level-specific stuff

The Engine Room: Access the bridge switch as Evo: Go to the three computers in the cave and back into the corner of two of them, then jump out of the fox. You can walk to the bridge switch and maybe even make it back, but you cant jump back into your animal. Now you're stuck, great.

Stinky Sewers: If you position the racing dog (possibly any animal?) against the door to the teleporter room just right and jump out of it, you can clip into the teleporter room. The teleporter does not activate and the door does not open and you cannot clip back out...even if you turn on the switches.

Give-A-Dog-A-Bonus: If you start rat-o-matic, then exit the level while the starting teleporter still has the electricity stuff still around you, and then start GADAB, the electricity effect can be seen on the ground ahead and a little to the right of where you start (near the turret at the center of the level). Other levels into GADAB might work but if they do, the effect's location is somewhere else and we haven't bothered to find them. Might have something to do with where the teleporter location is in the level you started with.

Evo's Escape: If you end the initial cutscene as evo is jumping into the chameleon, similar to a cutscene skip, you will spawn a chameleon at the start of level that you are in control of. It's been used once to kill Evo before the autoscroller ends, but it counts as a loss, probably because you didn't get the trophy.

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