[IL] 3 Jungle 04 - Weight For It!
[IL] 3 Jungle 04 - Weight For It!
Обновлено 2 years ago от mcill


Route options and benchmark times: normal (nolo fish): ~2:22 yolofish: ~2:07

It is recommended not to attempt a faster route until your time is close to the benchmark time for the current strats you are using. If you are using faster strats and your time is still slower than the benchmark for a route with worse strats, it is recommended that you simplify your route.

First things first, rotate the camera to face away from the two red beam pillar things as they are the source of lag IN ALL VIDEO GAMES EVER. NEVER LOOK AT THEM. Second of all, jump off the starting platform so you land as close to shore as possible. This is because the lion swims slower than it walks. Head toward the gorilla and kill it. It will take 4 roars. The lion recharges its roaring energy pretty quickly, but it is still slightly faster to do a fast recharge than to wait. Do the fast recharge after 2 roars. Or don't do it, IDK. Jump-swap into the gorilla to launch the lion closer to the elephant tree. As the gorilla, grab the metal box and position yourself by the tree and set up a gorilla jump. Swap back into the lion and gorilla jump up to the elephant and swap into it. If you can get the lion to land on the tree, that's best. If it falls off, who cares. Immediately swap back into the lion. As the lion, roar and push the gorilla toward the cliff near the parrot. Roaring feels faster, but might not be. Also, don't roar more than twice as you can actually destroy the box if you attack it 3-4 times. Do another gorilla jump up the cliff. This jump needs to be higher than other gorilla jumps, so use the lion's jump ability simultaneously with the gorilla jump to get up. At the top of the cliff, head toward the lever that raises the platforms and hit it. Then move to the piranha closest to you and kill it. Afterwards, either roar/push it to the exit or perform the YOLO fish. Use the piranha to get to the teleporter. Enter the piranha as soon as you deem safe - even on land - because the teleporter takes a bit of time to activate after entering the piranha. If you reach the teleporter before it activates (and you still have plenty of health), you waited too long to play as the piranha.

Notes on the gorilla fight: An easy way to play this fight is to stand on the tree root and just roar at the gorilla as it walks by. The tree trunk is outside of the gorillas aggro zone, so it's free. This strat is slower than an ideal fight. The best fight simply involves you attacking it twice, fast recharging, and attacking it twice again. You must position yourself carefully so that the gorilla doesn't fall down the cliff and get stuck by the lag beam-pillar thing. When you fast recharge, the gorilla will revert to his walking cycle, so use that to your advantage. An as-of-yet unattempted strat involves killing the gorilla in 3 roars by blowing up the TV while the gorilla is near it to do extra damage.

Notes on the piranha fight: The easiest and most consistent way to kill the piranha is to jump into the water near the slope out of the water. The piranha will swim towards you. When it reaches the shore, buttstump it once to kill it. This sets you up perfectly to push the piranha to the exit. The piranha can also be killed in one roar, so killing it is easy. The important part is to aim your roar so that the piranha corpse hits the ramp out of the water and stays there. Its easiest to do this by jumping into the water, but if you want to stay on the shore, then make sure you roar at a slight leftward angle. Roaring is probably faster if you do it right and is almost certainly faster if you want to YOLO fish. Water physics in this game are almost frictionless, so the piranha can end up basically anywhere in the water if you miss. Pushing the piranha in the water can be tough as well, not to mention slow. If you misplace the piranha, attempting the YOLO fish is substantially faster, though still very dangerous.


Fast recharging: Jumping out of an animal to play as Evo for a bit before jumping back into the animal allows you to recharge your ability energy faster than continuing to play as the animal to recharge ability energy.

Gorilla jumping: Grab an object as a gorilla (not a boulder unfortunately), then position the gorilla where you want to jump and swap out of it. Make sure you swap out to be Evo; if you swap directly into a different animal, the gorilla will drop the object. Then, as a different animal, jump on the gorilla's back and walk into the object to gain lots of height. If you use a jump ability at the same time as the gorilla jump, you can gain extra height.

YOLO fish: Basically just playing as the piranha immediately after killing it and jumping from that pool of water all the way to the teleporter. You need to time your jump right to get far enough to not die and angle the jump right so you don't run into the tree root. This trick should only be attempted if you know what you are doing. Otherwise, only attempt this if you have almost full health AND either you are desperate for a time save or you failed to position the piranha properly (as shown in the video below).

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