Rule update: evidence requirement for runs is being changed
4 years ago

Starting today, every category is going to have its evidence requirement changed. Listed below are these changes.

  • Classic: Video evidence is required for all classic runs.

  • All Star: Top 5 requires video evidence, the rest can be a screenshot of the IGT on the Final Results screen. Existing top 5 runs with screenshot evidence will not be retroactively removed.

  • All Challenges: Video evidence is required for all All Challenges runs.

  • Unlock All Characters: Video evidence is required for all UAC runs.

  • 1v1 Ironman: Video evidence is required for all Ironman runs.

  • 10/100-Man Smash: Top 5 requires video evidence, the rest can be a screenshot of the IGT at the Results screen. Existing top 5 runs with screenshot evidence will not be retroactively removed.

This is a change I've wanted to implement for a long long time. To be transparent, in the past we've had alts and fake runs posted to the board with no video evidence to prove this outside of doing some snooping on the accounts themselves. There's also been numerous newly created accounts in the past that've submitted and only submitted to this game without evidence as well. This change is being implemented partly because of this and to up the quality of the leaderboard itself. Having large parts of a board with no proof at all does not look good. No proof makes a good portion of the board pointless when a lot of runners' times can't be held accountable because there's nothing to prove or disprove a time they got, lessening the quality of the board.

Whether or not runs without proof will stay up is still somewhat up in the air, and if anyone has good reasons why they should stay, I'm all ears. As it stands, these proof-less runs can't be legitimately verifiable and can only be speculated upon. Other 3DS boards are able to handle proof requirements just fine with categories several times longer than most of smash's, so I think we can do the same.

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