Any% tutorial
8 years ago
Manitoba, Canada

i could have sworn that two days ago i was watching any any% tutorial in the guides section and now its gone? does anyone have any good suggestions as to where i can learn this game? thanks~

Ohio, USA

Retro made a new any% tutorial and uploaded it today so I imagine this is why the one was removed. It will probably be replaced with the new one. Here is a link to the new tutorial:

EDIT: Yeah, the new tutorial is up now.

Manitoba, Canada

thanks so much!

Devon, England

yes retro is a breakdown boy go complain to him

sam#1017 on discord

rile him up

Colorado, USA

yes wally is a shit boy go hurt him

YaBoiWallace1#7304 on discord

rile him up

Snickerdoodle, CabbageDevourer420 и 2 другие нравится это
Devon, England

speedrunner who is shit at all games extreme edgelord and crybaby go take a shit on him

Jumpyluff#6750 on discord

rile him up

CabbageDevourer420 и Jumpyluff нравится это
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