PSA for all new players like myself:
8 years ago
Tennessee, USA

Fast Disc speed needs to be enabled every time you turn off your ps2.

nobody told me this, and now i'm facepalming because my 100 egg pb could be like 2 minutes faster

enable fast disc speed every time you turn on your ps2

every time

Wisconsin, USA

Actually after 2 soft resets with it enabled it stays on for every soft reset there after.

But yes, make sure it is on.

Walkers нравится это
Tennessee, USA

this may also be specific to my ps2, but it seems like if I don't turn on smooth texture mapping as well that my ps2 crashes nine times out of ten.

one of the mods could add a variable for SDS/FDS/NA if they think it's worth noting

nickenator8 нравится это
Devon, England

That wouldn't really change any matters as some people play on emulator, or some people are unable to play on FDS and plus, then there is PS1 players in which we already know that there is no option so they wouldn't have a need to change that variable.

If we add FDS/SDS/other as a option it wont make a difference to the leaderboard as such as there are runners that have good times on SDS anyway

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