Dear Runners
Currently I wil be the only active mod, becuase Spy will be taking a break, and Pingvin is under lockdown, wish them luck as they will return, I would also like it of we could wish Liam some luck as he is infected with covvid 19 and may not return for awhile. Thank you and please remember to social distance, love you all.
Good news Very coincidentally, I've just got the news pingvin has recovered, now we send are best wishes to carliam
HotHeaded и XxLucaBossxX нравится это
Good news Very coincidentally, I've just got the news pingvin has recovered, now we send are best wishes to carliam
XxLucaBossxX нравится это
We have updated the rules for English to make them look more presentable. You can find the written version by Ghostt here:
Furthermore, new categories!
While they are not new game modes, we
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