A Word to the Wise...
9 years ago
New York, USA

In the 2012 version of this game, it is possible to glitch the final boss (the Super Sonic fight) in such a way that you hit him more times than you need to, and must die as a result, because the results screen will not come up despite the screen going to white.

To avoid this, take caution to your final hits toward the boss, and make sure you get far away from the boss once the final hit is made. This will ensure that the results screen will come up, finishing your run.

Hopefully knowing this will cause one less run-ender for you :)

New York, USA

Is fighting the Mecha Sonic boss in Lost Levels 2 allowed or no because if it's no then that's good.

New York, USA

It is a legitimate strategy; therefore, it's allowed.

There's no reason to ban it because it's just an "alternate exit", so to speak. The game will still continue normally after that.

So others know what is being mentioned here, is what is being referred to.

Delaware, USA

how about cutscenes being on crashes my game?

New York, USA

I have heard that some people are affected by the issue you're describing, but since I've not had this problem myself I can't really help you there.

Delaware, USA

well i have a run w/o cutscenes

New York, USA

I'm not going to be able to accept such a run, because the game isn't complete. The game was intended to have two endings (but the 2012 version always defaults to the good one, because the time point feature was disabled in said version), both having one more boss than the no-cutscene route of the 2012 version, which was only meant as a "barely-get-it-working-but-not-full-experience" patch, if anything. The 2011 version, by comparison, does not have this problem (but also did not have the extra boss), so this was ultimately due to poor programming.

There's also the matter of Cloudy Crowd 3's cutscene, which is normally unskippable, and I won't allow the u cheat to skip that cutscene, as that opens both a no good can of worms and a run ender to people that accidentally press the u button too many times.

It's nothing against you or anything, it just makes more sense to enforce the whole game being completed in a way that will allow it, rather than both leaving out a boss fight and allowing the u cheat for that one instance in order to serve what I expect to be a minority need. It wouldn't be beating the game.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 8 years ago
Delaware, USA

regardless i still have the run in the archives the fact that you wont accept it is beyond foolish since its an option the devs made and it also seems your too lazy to, also stating again the game crashes on launch with cutscenes on . This means you are depriving a person a speedrun because it doesn't meet your so called standards

New York, USA

There are three ways to go about dealing with this issue, but first, a response to your post.

Firstly, just because "it's an option the devs made" means pretty much nothing. It is very clear that it was the kind of fix that was lazy on their part, because various things broke between the first build and the second. If anything, it relies on the person having the issue in the first place to fix it, but doesn't shut people out from playing the game if they can't/don't want to. Most official games would never have this kind of problem.

Second, I consider being able to play the game and being able to speedrun the game two different things. Just because the game is playable in a certain way, or on a certain system, whatever the case may be, doesn't necessarily mean it's a viable, preferred, or even an acceptable way of running the game. It makes sense to enforce beating the game in full when the category is Beat the Game, and when it is proven that the game includes an "extra" boss that is in fact given every time you play through the game, then it is considered to be part of the game.

That said, there are three ways I can deal with your case, although in my opinion I do feel this is the best way (and I do realize I potentially shut people out, I didn't like having to make that call, but there wasn't another way out without making what I feel is an unnecessary category or an unnecessary stipulation in terms of beating the game).

They are as follows:

  1. As is (I've explained my general logic in making the decisions in the last two posts I've made)

  2. I make an additional category for no cutscenes in the 2012 version (but this would definitely be a misc category, as this would be intended only for cases like yours), enforcing the endgame as when you beat the first death egg boss.

  3. I change the ending of the game to the end of the first death egg boss (although this wouldn't help anyone, since as I mentioned before, that's not beating the game, which makes the category meaningless in and of itself).

This wasn't an easy decision to make in the first place, as I said, because most games would not have this particular problem.

Whether you choose one of the three options, or come up with another one, please do provide some reasoning. Thanks.

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