I’m pretty sure he knows about the glitch but he wants to know what region it’s done because, USA was only a one level minus world but, Japan is three levels
Thats so unfair and sad :( I not have the japanese version :C :(
@HUMANRAC3 depending of the emulator, no? In the Switch version is also imposible, I prove it
Actually yeah it does my bad.....but maybe with a famicom emulator? Cause if you look at the runners in the leaderboard, you can see that they have a famicom disk system
USA Minus World = NES Japanese Minus World(s) = FDS (Famicon Disk System)
@KilleDragon This means, it doesn't matter what you're playing on, as long as it can load a famicon version of the smb1 rom, you're good.
Hey Folks!
Just wanted to announce a new change to timing methods for both 11x categories. The new timing standards are as follows:
- Timing starts from power-on/reset (or game select if you're using one of the combo cartridges).
- Timing ends on grabbing the axe on the 11th run.
- Time betw