I'm hosting a competition to see who can get the most WRs within 2 weeks
5 years ago

ok so basically e is a number

I was thinking 2 things, I'm boutta buy this producc, and if I buy it through an affiliate link, the affiliate makes money. The affiliate will be the winner of this competition. I was also thinking, hey, I want the WRs to be better, so what better way to do that than to host a competition for people to clash and bring times down to low levels? I made a google docs, with the rules, and accepted games you can play to get WRs in. Competition starts on January 11th Competition ends on January 25th https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZSMhyMeB448vsjfFhRgfQ_iIErilKabPjWOleH6tQLU/edit?usp=sharing

These are the current competitors. Either say in this forum or message me if you want to join https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hpfxpC5hMNOqtaDYV7qszssQbmaZzCpMBzVXLosDqHQ/edit?usp=sharing

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
Otterstone_Gamer, youtubeman06 и 5 другие нравится это

Wait so what does that have to do with being a affiliate?

KilleDragon нравится это

@Mruns05 So basically, the winner of this competition gets to send me their personal affiliate link to the product I want to buy (it's a kinda simple process that I can help with), and with that product I buy the person who sent me the link to the product, they make 50% of what I spend on that product. a affiliate inmahujihu

KilleDragon нравится это
Basque Country

So, we have to do WRs of any catgory of any leaderboard of the list of the competition? NICE! Go to look what the people do xd

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
Lul_ecks_dee нравится это
Basque Country

Okey, I was forgoten before to say it, but, if you are putting all the names of the of the people that participate, pls put also the "Killedragon" name :) Doesnt know, maybe I do something :D xd Probably I wouldnt win, but would be nice to do something, until if then I lost it (anybody would go to beat me sure xd) lol lmao

A stupid question: In where location start exactly when the 11 day start? I mean, probably is not the same hour for me tan for you, and I would like to know when exactly start in Spain lol lmao xd

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
Basque Country

Questions about rules:

"1. Only World Records in acceptable games count" > So, with that, you mean that only count the WRs of the games of the list, and not of other leaderboards, no? Sorry I dont udnerstand very well

"7. […] If you record your run offline, you must have your attempt session(s) ready if I ask for them […]" > That can give you dudes, because, for example, if he only need 2 attempts to do an WR, maybe you think its fake and that he only do 1 fake-fail run and the the fake-good run, and you rejected it, when maybe is a completly legal WR; I know is not so posible, but it can happend; In all case, the verification work is also always do it by the mods in speedrun.com, so, if you have the WR in speedrun.com, thats enough prove to prove its not fake, no?; So, how type of guideline did you use for the "verifications"?

"8. Runs must have audio" > Stupid question: Only in-game audio, no? Is not necesary to active the exterior-audio, no? lol lmao

Lul_ecks_dee нравится это

@KilleDragon January 11th 12:00 am is in PST time, so if you convert PST to your Spain time zone, you'll figure out what time it'll be for you

For rule #1, what that means is any world record that you achieve during the competition in any one of those leaderboards I have mentioned, is accepted. If you get smb1 any% world record during the competition, then that will give you 1 point, but if you get say Super Mario 64 0 star world record, that will not count. Any category in the list of games I've selected is acceptable, including Anti-Pacifist Warpless which currently has no runs.

For rule #7, (thanks for asking these questions by the way, it really makes me think so I can optimize the rules) if it really only takes less than 10 attempts to get a world record like RoyLT does sometimes, then I think the practice session should also be recorded as well. So basically, if it takes less than 10 attempts to pull off a run, then you should have the practice session as well as the attempt session recorded. I've added that to the rules.

As for if your run is verified by the mods, then yes, that's enough to prove your run is real.

For rule #8, In-game audio is required, and if you have outside of game audio, such as your mic turned on that would be helpful and also more interesting.


Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
KilleDragon нравится это
Basque Country

@Lul_ecks_dee okey, thanks you so much!

Only a thing, so, in respect of the rule nº7: Is needed recordered all the practice I spend to that catgory? Because there is a category I actualy doesnt record to 100% lol In all case, I can give you all the attempts lul lol lmao

In fine, in all case, I just will be submit it to the speedrun.com leaderboard, so well xd

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
United States

Under 10 attempts huh

What are the chances

imnotmario, Tomygood и 6 другие нравится это


KilleDragon нравится это
Basque Country

@Kosmic yeah, all depending xd, but it can happend dude xdxd

The competition has started (well yes it has since yesterday) Here are the current people https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/639663521424080916/666104531414810625/Screenshot_147.png and their WRs Jtknott05 in the lead with 2 points, with JeremyMKW following closely behind with 1 point. Niftski at one point had 1 point, but had it stolen by Jtknott05 these bois be workin, if you in this competition you better get workin real quicc

KilleDragon нравится это

it's hard getting a WR kappa

KilleDragon нравится это

Do twr count

KilleDragon нравится это

it's a little late since it already started Ok so What I'm very much admiring is the ultimate battle between jtknott05 and Niftski trading Super Mr. Krabs any% WRs back and forth. They've managed to optimize the 8-4 all the way to faster than the current smb1 WR at 8-A lookin 8-4! Then Niftski activates his inner thicco mode and recently came back with adding -1 FPG, bringing the world record all the way down to 3:40.2. Meanwhile, JeremyMKW is uncontested grinding out easy WRs, quietly collecting point after point. He very quickly has taken a big lead over jtknott05 and Niftski. If I personally were jtknott05 or Niftski right now, I would shift my focus to taking down JeremyMKW's WRs, as he has a pretty big lead, and by taking just 1 of his world records they could be tied.

We're almost halfway through the competition with 9 days to go, it will be interesting to see what happens. Maybe someone new shows up and starts going thicco mode. Maybe Niftski will go super focus mode, take Super Mr. Krabs down to sub 3:40, then super focus on taking JeremyMKW's WRs. Or maybe jtknott05 will do that Here is the stats: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/601204550246072326/667578444674236436/Screenshot_157.png

AR007 и KilleDragon нравится это
Basque Country

Actualy, in "Mr. Krabs > Any%", basicaly the WR is a perfect "framerules time" and basicaly only can be saved like 2-3 frames off of the level -4 (8-4 of SMB1 lul)

@KilleDragon well no there are multiple FPGs still

OK 2 hours before the competition was over, Niftski was 1 point behind JeremyMKW. I let Niftski know of this fact and he was liek "OKFDSAH SHOOT WE GOTA GET WR REAL QUICC" So he goes for 1 coin WR. Niftski is doing many attempts, grinding away, and is struggling badly with -2 and the super precise jump. Out of 13 runs to -2, none past. jtknott05 decides to come bacc and make it just that much harder by improving his run by .2 seconds to a 3:40.7. Now Niftski decides that he's going to do 1-2 clip in order to not just destroy the WR, but have an easy way to get past the 1 hard jump in -2. What do you know, Niftski pulls out the legendary 3:40.2, taking jtknott05's WR for himself and is now tied with JeremyMKW. Now the competition is supposed to end in 30 minutes, but I don't want to see a tie. So, once the tie is broken, the person with the most points will be the winner. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/669014581099626508/670530253604651008/Screenshot_426.png We currently have Niftski learning the 500 coin route from kriller37, and JeremyMKW trying to beat his OneHand Warpless WR in a scramble to break the tie and be the winner!

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
KilleDragon и Niftski нравится это

JeremyMKW won btw, I'll pay him next time I see him stream

KilleDragon и Otterstone_Gamer нравится это

wait how much was the reward again?

KilleDragon нравится это

@mruns 40$ i think

KilleDragon нравится это
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