Опубликовано 1 year ago от

(Download both from Resources above)

SMB3 SE Practice Patches

-Now has the fixed Koopa Kid patterns introduced in V2.0. (apply the patches to the vanilla SMB3 game, NOT to SE)

Frog Patch 1.2

-Updated to be compatible with V2.0. Previous versions of this patch will NOT work (Apply the patch on top of SE 2.0)


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Опубликовано 1 year ago от

By popular demand, it is finally done! For three years, the main drawback of having the final airship levels de-autoscrolled was that you could not reasonably predict what the Koopa Kid bosses would do, since their pattern is based on the frame you enter the fight. Now with version 2.0 that is no longer the case! All Koopa Kids will now exhibit the same behavior, regardless of when you enter the fight.

For reference, here are the full list of patterns you will encounter (Special shout-out to Teex88 for documenting these!):

World 1: 'Easy pattern' (2 spaces from Castle, grabs fire in Bro fight)

World 2: Pyramid mov1

World 3: Normal

World 4: 4-F2 mov1

World 5: 5-8 mov1

World 6: Normal

World 7: Pre-boxed 7-F2 Big (Fire w/delay)

Additionally, I added a shiny new '2' to the title screen to designate V2.0. Going forward this will be updated to reflect the version of SE used.

Download: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5050/


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Опубликовано 1 year ago от

Patch Download: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5050/

Compared to V1.7, this update contains just one minor improvement in World 4: The Hammer Bro with the P-wing has been moved to the area between 4-4 and the Spade tile placed at the 4-5/4-6 junction. This now makes 'boxless' guaranteed in the Warpless route (By screen scrolling past the bro, assuming no deaths) while still allowing the P-wing to be collected for those who want it. Special thanks to Stewie Cartman for the suggestion!

Also want to give another special thanks to the organizers of the most recent Big 20 (#17) for including SE this time around. Good luck to all of the racers!

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Опубликовано 1 year ago от

Since the new Category Extension is now officially out of misc., I went ahead and added an SE version of All White Mushroom Houses. Note that two of the WMH levels (1-4 and 6-7) are de-autoscrolled, so the strats should be a bit more interesting there. :)

Also, the Practice Patches (under Resources) have been updated to add the latest modifications Lui created for the vanilla practice patches:

-Hammer Bros are back on the maps as stationary levels

-All map sprites (hammer bros, plants, tanks etc) may be entered manually and won't disappear if beaten or exited

Happy speedrunning!

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Опубликовано 2 years ago от

Patch Download: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5050/

Changes from 1.6: -Added the Koopaling softlock fix (prevents a rare softlock from occurring when defeating Koopalings with fireballs) -W3: The Spade game near 3-F2 was moved to the middle of the vertical area after 3-4. The Star Bro was also shifted one tile up -W4: The Cloud Bro can no longer pass 4-2, resulting in a movement of one instead of two after 4-1 -W6: The Cloud Bro is now located after 6-4 instead of after 6-8. Due to the tile restrictions he can only linger in this area and will stay separated from the Star Bro

With these adjustments, the final bits of hammer brother RNG have finally been addressed. Be sure to apply the new patch to the vanilla SMB3 game (not to SE) and let me know if you run into any issues.

Thanks, and happy speedrunning!

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Опубликовано 2 years ago от

The Practice Patch zip for SE (under Resources) has been updated to 1.1. This adds the recent improvements Lui made to the vanilla versions and now includes all three versions of the patch (normal, dots, and subpixels) with autoscrollers disabled. Be sure to apply only one of the patches to the original unmodified game (and not SE).

Happy practicing! :)

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Последние новости
Practice Patches and Frog Patch Updated for V2.0

(Download both from Resources above)

SMB3 SE Practice Patches

-Now has the fixed Koopa Kid patterns introduced in V2.0. (apply the patches to the vanilla SMB3 game, NOT to SE)

Frog Patch 1.2

-Updated to be compatible with V2.0. Previous versions of this patch will NOT work (Apply the patch on to

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