Hi all:
Cool news - our any% tournament is scheduled to be featured on twitch.tv/speedgaming, the preeminent twitch channel for speedrun tournaments. It's gonna be a big deal. Maybe like a front-page-of-Twitch-big-deal. [. . . !]
As a result, we're in need of two commentators who are available to watch the runs and describe the happenings in a detailed and personable way to the online public. We also need two volunteers who can manage the tournament bracket and direct people to the right race channels on speedrunslive. If you're interested in helping out in this capacity, please get in touch with me on the SMB discord or twitter (@warm_ham). You will help make this tournament a reality.
Dates are set for June 12th at 1PM EDT for the first round and June 26th (new date, take note!) for the finals. The first round will take about 5 hours. And of course, if you just want to run in the tournament, make sure you're signed up by June 9th! Signups here: http://challonge.com/smbany2016swiss/settings
GET STOKED, this is gonna be awesome - ham