the user/moderator RandyAura had what i believe to be blatant hyper aim assist. i mean looking at his runs alongside other runs his accuracy rate is FAR above everyone else even on runs where he doesn't hold records on top of holding 9 WR on sker with 2 2nd place runs in each of those runs his critical kill rate is over 15% higher then everyone else's and its not like those others are not slouching in critical kill category most hovering between 60-68% but with certain damaging ultimate alongside knifing requiring headshot knifes to count towards critical kills alongside the use of molotovs (grenade system of sker) which don't count towards critical kills having an average critical kill rate of 78%- some runs even reaching as high as 82%. I took the time "as catching cheaters is fun to me plus i like math and general data collection" to fully go over his latest WR the Nightmare duo Run of Cursed Lands and watched it multiple times while keeping exact time stamps each Tab interval where it shows your current run time alongside total kills and critical kills.
For those interested in the full breakdown here is a link to the Google Doc with all the information as well as time stamps please do feel free to double check my match, the video, and if you want do your own critique of the run in its entirety, would love to see them and get others opinions.
I'm gonna hop on this thread and add my input seeing that I'm brought up in the document as well, I will try to be as unbiased as possible.
The first point you bring up is early game accuracy, and as you mention, it IS incredibly easy to keep good accuracy at this stage with the way zombies spawn. I don't come from much of an FPS background and have poor aim, and even I consistently have 55+/60 critical kills by round 7.
Second, you compare his critical kill rate to his duo's multiple times. It's important to keep in mind that RandyAura is using the Rigotti the entire run, a weapon with zero bloom, zero recoil, and zero bullet time. His duo pulls the crossbow from Lucky. The crossbow has bullet time, making crits harder to hit. Additionally, it can one-shot the body early on, removing the ability to follow up with a crit on a missed shot.
Third, you say it's odd that Randy isn't the one to go kill the banshees because he needs points for double-pap. This is the least odd decision of the run. Randy has more than enough points at this stage in the run to guarantee a double-pap by the end as long as he doesn't become a pacifist. Furthermore, it was established by the two that it would be better for his duo to do this step because he has speed elixir and a reliable way to kill the banshees without a strong weapon (molotov and ultimate). I don't want to sound rude, but this is simple routing and makes complete sense if you've also run the game.
Fourth, you mention the syphoner step being the most hectic and least likely to maintain high critical kills. I disagree in this specific run, this was a very tame syphoner step. They had the last handful of zombies on round 13 to start it, and the start of round 14 to end it, making it incredibly tame compared to some runs where you need to use all of round 13 to do the entire step while juggling blazeslingers making sure they don't kill more than one or two zombies and ruining the run. Again, something that is easily noticed from someone who runs the map at a high level.
Fifth/sixth, you act like it's strange he didn't pop ultimate once the entire run until the boss. There is nothing strange about this, there are zero instances where ultimate is useful outside of the banshee step. Which his duo finished... by using ultimate. You also bring up the convenient triple points, anyone who has run Lavernock for a serious time knows that there are only two run-ending instances of RNG: entrails and powerups. Of course the world record run will have both of those, it is simply a requirement to have a couple of triple points or a well-timed half cash to afford a tier-2 rigotti for the end.
Lastly, you bring up the critical kill percentages by me and Scorppy to compare to Randy's. As I mentioned earlier, I have poor aim, I was surprised to see I had even 63%, Randy also has twice as much time put into the game than me, I would hope he is more accurate. The more important comparison is Scorppy's run, and it feels like all you did was click to the end of the run to grab numbers. If you actually watched the run you would know that Scorppy pulls the howler from Lucky, of course his critical kill accuracy will be lower. 79% accuracy is completely achievable with how the zombie AI is and should be the standard for high-level runners.
I tried to stay unbiased and know I went unprofessional in some spots. I have obviously run with Randy before so it's hard to not stay silent considering you dropped a full analysis on him. Keep in mind also that Randy consistently streams his runs and has offered to take down his runs for other moderators to review them. I hope my points are taken seriously considering I have much more experience on this map than most.
I understand the points that you made, but my stance on accuracy still remains completly the game with over 80% HS rate is extremely high in FPS games. Most pro-FPS players cant keep a HS rating that high. i was unaware of his teammates using the crossbow as while watching i was focused on counting non crit knife kills by randy as well as possible molotov uses. also i have been told that he didnt even have the accuracy ultimate but was using the increased dmg stun one so saving that for the boss makes since. I am not saying by any means Randy's understanding of the speed run is wrong by any means but when someone holds 8 WR in a game with little to no Anti Cheat program, and has on average 15-20% high accuracy it just seems to fishy to ignore. outside that all i still find weird how he can post and accept his own runs continuously, as that is heavily frowned upon within the speed running community unless the community is to small and are lacking moderators. the biggest piece of evidence for me for Aimbot/aimlock was during entrails when you clearly see his aim jump from head to head and also when the fire zombie explodes you see a zombie that dies with the explosion flies slightly to the left yet Randy's crosshair tracks that head precisely left until the entity is confirmed dead and then his aim joltz back to the zombie to the right you can only catch it for a few frames but its there and no ones aim especially if there "highly accurate" is gonna have micro frame changes during an explosion but keeping perfect accuracy. and to answer Randy it doesn't really matter what i tell you i need for you to prove it. I'm not ignorant enough to sit here and think I'm entitled to make those decisions. if you arnt cheating then great awesome for you otherwise youll eventually get caught as all do in the speedrunning community. however i still believe you should not accept your own runs especially when its WR time having other mods look over it is the best way to clear any doubt but having runs that are submitted 8:59am and accepted 9:00am just makes u seem sketchy. Overall im bringing this up in hopes other people watch and break down the video and bring in there own opinion of it such as Burrito has done.
This is funny I would like to put my input coz no offence this is the dumbest thing I have seen all day, this is map control at the start so the HS% will be higher that is common scene, as I used to play R6 I would aim for heads as that is pretty much a insta kill if you have played R6 you know body shots do like 5HP so map knowledge with spawn control is soo easy to get head shots, depending what FPS if it's cod zombies old school zombies had ZERO recoil so there for easy taps or bursts soo yeah it's good sense, map knowledge with also someone who probably has played an FPS that needs to YK shoot the head like Pubg or CS or R6 even VALO as most of the people using this strat are legit aiming the same it's just yeah map and aim Knowledge.
User / Moderator Randy is SUCH a cheater this docs has ALL the proof!
I'd like to just point out that you're looking at the Kills to Headshot Kill %, and not the actual Shots to Shots Hit %, if you're aiming to get lots of headshots specifically, then you're going to get mostly Headshot Kills at the expense of overall less shots hitting. Which could give the impression of an aimbot by simply looking at that Kills to Headshot Kill % even though that is the incorrect way of checking for this type of thing.
Hello! The rules didn't update properly when I was redoing the leaderboards
Difficulty is able to be freely swapped between in game (Normal, hard, and nightmare)
The difficulties Easy/Beginner are prohibited
Super sorry for any confusion, my fault!