Please update the 100% Description
3 years ago

What does 100% entail? Getting all the Dances? All the Dances and Heart Containers?

Wisconsin, USA

Sorry that we didn't respond to this sooner. Series mods are currently discussing what this category constitute and we will certainly update the rules and category to list the requirements.

For now, our thoughts are: All Fighter's Gear from shop All Dances (Included town warp dances) All Warp Squids have to be picked up All Fireflies All Transformation Talisman All Heart Containers

Tinkerbat Transformation not allowed due to be a GBA enhancement, thusly not available in every version. Though we could discuss GBA only stuff, but we would want tangible interest before we would consider it.

Wisconsin, USA

We finally have this fully hashed out, and the Rules view reflects as much.

Decided to not split boards for GBA Enhanced vs. GBC for now. Will have to revisit depending on enough interest and competition to require it, but with Version selection, it will separate runs in board for now.

tldr; Must also acquire all Fireflies (12), Heart Containers (7), Dances (including Tinkerbat in GBA Enhanced runs), Transformation Skills, and Fighter's Gear from shop (Boot, Sash, Cuff, Tiara), and Baby Warp Squids (20).

All Fireflies and Warp Squids must be turned in as they all lead to specific Dances to be learned.

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