Advices/Tips for the best run
Advices/Tips for the best run
Обновлено 1 year ago от VanackSabbadium

Here are some advices for a good time and performance:

Fort Dourmoor:

  1. Start with Fort Dourmoor. The reason is simple: the first part of the level is partially RNG, so it could break your run if something goes wrong. Especially the area with fireballs, be sure to stay right after the last column before the door, crouch and fire. That's the best spot to avoid most of the fireballs.

  2. After the part with the table and the water, go up to the stairs, push the table, fall over it, and then jump into the water. Then, make high and long jumps until you stay safe on the other side of the pool. That will take a lot of health (if the part with the fireballs and the bees takes too much health, you're not gonna make it alive so you gotta restart the run).

  3. After this part, fall, and after the little loading, kill yourself. You'll probably have a little bit of health after the water jumps part, and that will not be enough to kill Pendek, so you gotta be sure to have enough health to survive. Yes, that will take some seconds, but it's the only way to make sure that you're not gonna waste much more time.

Forest of Zeakros:

  1. Try to preserve at least half health for the boss. Avoid the purple spits at the beginning of the level by jumping and killing the orbs. Then, avoid the lasers over the moving platforms, and then try to avoid as many damages as you can in the village, killing as many villagers as you can without wasting much time.

  2. Use bombs instead of shurikens with Louq-Garou (final boss), they're less precise but much more powerful and you'll need less shots.

Caves of Bidhur:

  1. Don't waste time killing the robots and the birds at the beginning of the level. Just run away.

  2. Avoid damages as much as you can in the part with the "Joust" knights, where you retrieve the hammer. You'll need health for the skull head boss.

  3. To be sure that you're not wasting time with the stone puzzle, here is the best solution: move one of the three balls to the very left side, near the left "wall". Then, move the stone over the first ball until you have space enough to move the second ball to the right side of the stone, then move again the stone. Now you have the stone over 2 balls. Move it until you have space for the third ball, and move it under the stone to the right side. Then move the stone again until you "free" the first ball, move it to the right of the stone and under the right side of the stone where you created space. Now repeat the last step always freeing the ball to the left and moving it to the right side over and over, until you reach the other side of the platform.

  4. The skull head boss is a tough one. You see that the upper platform where it stays has some notches. The third one "triggers" the monster and it will attack you. The tactic here is: step over the third notch, go back to the first notch, wait for the skull head to open the mouth and JUMP. You'll avoid (most of) the fireballs, and then you have a second or two to jump and hit once or twice che eye of the skull head. Repeat it until it will explode. If you have low health, after triggering the skull head you can fall on the lower platform, wait for it to shoot the fireballs, then jump over the upper platform again and hit it once or twice. This will take more time, but you'll avoid death (which will make you go right to the beginning of the level again).


  1. You don't need health, so don't waste time killing enemies or fire spitting structures, just jump over or avoid them. If you lose some health, that's not so bad. Just keep some health (25%) for the last part of the level.

  2. The crane puzzle is simple, and there's a little trick to save time: pick up the lower fish in the first tank, release it into the lower tank. Take the upper fish of this tank, release it into the first tank. Take the remaining fish and release it into the lower tank. STOP. You should take the other fish into this tank and release it into the upper-right tank, but don't do it! Simply, when you step into the lower tank, be sure to crouch under the fish (if it touches you, you'll instantly die) avoiding it, run to the left side of the pool and exit.

  3. At the very last puzzle you could save time turning on the flame and throw the ball into the cauldron BEFORE making the spiking platform fall into the hole, but you have to hurry, because the burning oil could fall into the hole and ruin your run. If you need time (because you made some mistakes before) try to do it, but if you already saved time, make the spiking platform fall into the hole and then turn the flame on, you'll be sure to complete the level without issues.

  4. I said you should save some health for the last part, because when you switch the final lever and fall to the lower ground, the burning oil could hit you before you reach the second diamond. If that happens, and you don't have much health, you'll die RIGHT before Maletoth, and that should not happen.


  1. My only advice is to reach the lower right platform, stay there and shoot Maletoth as much as you can. You don't need to reach higher platforms, that will only waste your time.
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