Working on a Routing Tool
10 years ago
Virginia, USA

I'm currently working on a routing tool for (generally) open world games, but specifically for Saints Row, and even more specifically for Saints Row 2. I have a github repo that I've been adding to and I've roped one of my friends into helping but progress is slow due to school. I'm wondering if anyone has any CS skills or would like to contribute.

I started off with c++ and I think we'll actually end up with go. This might make things a little more complicated but go is a fun language and that's what I want this project to be.

A little more about the style: My plan is that the user will be able to load in a picture, a map, of their game and it will be clickable in that you can select a position to add either a "mission" or a "collectible." Each one will have different specifics you can associate with it but most notably, missions have a "start" and "end." Collectibles only have a single point. Anything can have pre-requisites associated with it, including other missions or collectibles.

After all this is put in, a "best route" can be calculated, using something like dijkstra's shortest path algorithm.

Of course, this is in a pre-pre-pre-pre alpha stage since I'm just working on thoughts right now but if anyone's interested, you can let me know.

Here's the repo if you want to look at some basic code or my idea in pdf format:

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