Backwards Compatible Console Discussion/Form
4 years ago
Western Australia, Australia

Hi guys the Mod Team has decided it is time to review the communities perspective regarding Backwards Compatible consoles and how you would like them structured on our leaderboards, please keep discussions civilized and please read the instructions on the form carefully.


Regards KH Moderation Team

Arizona, USA


I don't really speedrun anymore, especially competitively, so I might not make a vote on the forms. Something that I thought about after reading this though, is why specifically look for input on the PS2 versions of these games? There might've been an earlier poll or form for ps5 that I missed, in which case sorry for being ignorant. If not though, I feel like it would be good to have a vote for all backwards compatible consoles, including ps5

Western Australia, Australia


That is completely fine & I respect your decision not to vote if thats the route you take, however being such a big influence for the games you have every right to vote if you wish.

This is a very good question since it relates to the current discussion and trust me I thought about it a lot, but I wanted to keep the discussion tailored specifically around the PS2 Ports since they mainly refference load time differences not gameplay differences. Although contradictions in the argument can be brought up relating to both problems (aka cost of x $$$) I feel like they are 2 sepearte issues and if the community wishes too we can do this form again specfically tailored around SSD & Console variants for the 60fps games.

However the mod team at this time has made a decision based around the PS5 which can be revised once we can gauge runners interest in the topic with more time (still waiting on firmware updates regarding NVME slot which could or could not be another discussion required having).

Western Australia, Australia

Hi everyone thankyou for voting

We had a total of 67 votes (plus 31 invalid votes)

Here are the results KH1: Merged (BC PS3 & PS2 HDD will no longer be shown as hidden, we will be adding a variable to go on the side of submissions to show viewers whether HDD is used for a runner or not)

KHFM: Merged (PS2 HDD will no longer be shown as hidden, we will be adding a variable to go on the side of submissions to show viewers whether HDD is used for a runner or not)

KH2: Seperated (BC PS3 runs will not be shown on the same leaderboard page as PS2 but will have its own filter similar to PS3/4 whenever runners submit using the console)

KH2FM: Seperated (BC PS3 runs will not be shown on the same leaderboard page as PS2 but will have its own filter similar to PS3/4 whenever runners submit using the console)

KHReCom: Merged (BC PS3 will no longer be shown as hidden, we will be adding a variable to go on the side of submissions to show viewers whether HDD is used for a runner or not

If people wish to request something like this again in the future it can be reconsidered after months have passed and enough people show interest.

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