A little misleading inaccuracy in the Gate B: Ending 2 board records
1 year ago

This would probably be better informed on the Discord server for quick solution, being as it's not a particularly big issue, but I'm a bit retiring to chat on Discord, so I suppose it's acceptable to notify this as a forum post once

The Gate B: Ending 2 subcategory, as we all know, has a necessary individual timer stop condition in the category rules and a well-considered time addition of 1:22.120 in case of autosplitter use (which almost everyone uses), which was also decreed subsequently, aaand…

It wasn't too long ago that I appeared in this community, at most merely only about a month ago: I don't know actually what kind of intra-collective disputes, disagreements and other such things might have happened in the last few years behind the scenes… but the fact is that CookiesUnite is missing this very time addition in her Set Seed Inbounds 7:13 speedrun: it should be timed 8:35 including the addition, but instead the run is verified straightly with this LiveSplit timer value, which it shouldn't be, obviouslyI believe that this is just some unintentional confusion for sure, since she also has at least a few other runs in Intended% and Random Seed on Gate B ED 2 in different time periods, in which everything is timed fine

Besides CookiesUnite, there are also incorrect times for answols and Danimed in Gate B ED 2 runs. It's strange enough, however, that throughout all these years no one has noticed these cases so far… Well, be that as it may… I'd just want to draw the mods' attention to this so that someone free of them can retime the runs to restore integrity of the board

I don't want to give the impression of a nerd (although I'm afraid I already have anyway with my enormous texts inevitably), but It's important enough in my opinion to make such a big deal about it: it leads to an unreliability of the whole board (due to the shift of all record positions) and having a world record that isn't actual – when comparing equal time moments, the real one still belongs to DTY, which he rightfully earned two years ago, and no one has been able to beat his time so far

I hope that the numbers will be corrected in the near future, and I will be able to sleep peacefully… without thinking about that someone has 1:22.120, and someone does not, and this creates tremendous injustice in records times. I would love to run this warhead-disabling code-remembering route once again after Intended%


Mate i dont think you realized that those runs start with the time being 1:22.12,meaning they already added the 1:22.12 before the runs started.DTY added the 1:22.12 after the run ended

Отредактировано пользователем автор 1 year ago
South Carolina, USA

I believe you missed the added time that's at the start of the runs.


Oh… yeah... okay, then, it all fits, under those conditions, it appears… I managed to screw up in my perception anyway… I'm sorry👉👈… I was hasty in my thoughts

I've been thinking about the run timers for a long time, making sure I wasn't missing something... I was already nearly sure that I wasn't, like it's exactly as I think it is. I should have thought better, since… it's really obvious, that it couldn't have been a mistake all the time, and that people here know their stuff

This topic can be closed, in that case.

I certainly have some discontent about the lack of a unanimous coordination about method of adding time (which is what led to my confusion and this awkward post ultimately), and it still seems to be misleading and makes the board numbers not quite reliable (due to people use different methods of indicating time) in some kind… but that's certainly not for me to be expressed about it anyway

What I'm wondering, nevertheless, is exactly how they add time from the very beginning of the timer count… I've searched the entire LiveSplit and its plugins a few weeks ago when I was going to start running Gate B ED 2 categories and can't find any related function there. If I could have known initially that this was possible, I probably wouldn't have had any suspicions about

Отредактировано пользователем автор 1 year ago

If you wanna add timer from the beginning,just open edit splits and theres something named like starting time or smth you can change that from 0.00 to 1:22.12

United States
She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

People are bad at math so starting the timer on 1:22.12 simplifies things. The way timing works is dumb though imo. Time should stop when the cutscene ends (according to the rules), however, some people pause, open their inventory, or end their recording before the cutscene ends and that isn't ever taken into account as we just add 1:22.12 to the time. The rules should definitely be amended as the time addition isn't mentioned anywhere in the rules. I wasn't around when these rules were added though, so I've got no clue what the discussions were like back then. Forx or Multi probably have the best answers for you.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 1 year ago
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Small rule changes / Verifier applications are open!

(I guessed the link for this so I hope it works)

Hi! First things first, I'm Amy, the newest Admin / Super Moderator!

Next, a few rules have been changed:

  • All runs must show the version number

  • Set Seed Inbounds and Random Seed Inbounds runs no longer require 008 to be contained.


9 months ago
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