category FAQ
6 years ago
Hesse, Germany

I'm making this post preventively because I'm sure these questions will come up at some point (and have in the past when these categories have been discussed in the community Discord):

"There are Knuckles and Rouge Centurion. What about the other characters?" Knuckles Centurions have first been done as practise, to learn all the emerald hints. The structured repitition of the levels made this category ideal to practise these, and the randomness involved in the levels made it interesting to play, despite having to beat the same level over and over. Because of this, over time, Knuckles Centurions have become a very popular category with lots of entries on the leaderboards. However, while it certainly is possible to do centurions for other characters and a handful of people have done it, the main reasons why Centurions for Knuckles and Rouge have gained such a large popularity are not existent for Centurions of other characters.

"Can you add other Centurions anyways?" No.

"There is Hero story low%. Why not Dark story or All stories low%?" The reason is simple: The fastest way to beat Dark story already collects the least upgrades possible, therefore in practise there would be no difference between the two categories. Only in Hero story you collect skippable upgrades that actually help you in the run, making low% slower and more difficult.

"Why are the Knuckles stages x20 and the Rouge stages x25?" Because these categories can be seen as segments for a full centurion. Knuckles has 5 stages in a centurion, therefore each one has to be played 20 times to make 100 stages. Rouge has 4 stages in a centurion, therefore each has to be played 25 times to make 100 stages. This system has been carried over to these sub-categories.

"Why are the Knuckles stage x20s and Rouge stage x25s but not for stages of other characters?" The same reason why there are no Centurions for other characters.

If there are any more questions, feel free to ask them, either in this thread or make a new thread. If I find them to be relevant, I'll add them to this post.

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