Опубликовано 17 days ago от

Hey everyone,

As you've most likely heard Twitch has had a recent update that has caused us to consider whether it is a good idea to continue allowing going forward. Ultimately we have come to the decision it is not. So going forward Twitch highlights will be banned. This does not count for any runs already on the board but we do encourage you to update those. If you are updating your runs please put in the run description that the video has been changed to replace a Twitch highlight.

Going forward, Twitch will no longer be considered a "Permanent Video Upload" source.

None of us are fans of this change, and many of us have used Twitch for uploads for years in the past. Due to the new changes, this is simply no longer possible.

We thank you for your continued dedication and understanding in this matter.

  • @WitherMin
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Опубликовано 1 year ago от

Hello runners!

While it is a few weeks late, I wanted to congratulate everyone on the BONKERS amount of runs and all the effort put in through the first ever year of SA1's fully independent leaderboard!

in our first year, we've already seen well over 80 runs added to the board across every single category!

The WR for every category has been shattered multiple times over, with several dominating players in multiple fields. Knux and Super Sonic saw a HUGE uptick in competition, with the WR in those categories being traded and fought for by multiple extremely talented runners.

Just this week, SQeefy shattered the long-lasting Knux story record set by Nim months ago, and not even he was safe from Venxm's impressive 25:xx!

Sonic's story has been lowered by over TEN MINIUTES Tails has been traded back and forth with no signs of slowing down Knuckles competition is continuing to heat up, with multiple runners coming back for the crown Amy's story has seen new innovations which have yet to be pushed Gamma's story has been changed forever by the introduction of SRE Big is finally being threatened by Venxm's fishing prowess

Here's to an amazing year of Sonic Adventure, and to many more amazing years ahead! With new rulesets and competitive standards, only time will tell how far this game can go!

Thanks again to every runner for your hard work and dedication, the fire of Sonic Adventure stays lit because of all of you!


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Опубликовано 1 year ago от

Hey everybody!

Just wanted to make a quick announcement regarding the current state of the Super Sonic leaderboard, and the future of all Emulator runs. As you may know if you're a current runner, we recently experienced a massive boom in attention towards the category through use of the Flycast emulator. This is fantastic, and has breathed some new life into the game as expected. However, we have been forced to deal with some unforeseen consequences of the previous board merge.

As mentioned with the board merge, if there was to be any category where any platform gained a massive advantage, we would be forced to reevaluate the category to do what would be in the game's best interest. Unfortunately, it has been viewed over the past few weeks that the advantage given by Emulator is far too great in a category as short as Super Sonic. Under reevaluation, Perfect Chaos gives players on hardware a bare minimum Twelve Second Timeloss; rendering Console obsolete. Due to how unoptimized this specific instance is on hardware, the mod team has come to the conclusion to re-split the Super Sonic board away from the hardware platforms. GDEMU and Disc continue to share parity on the board for Super Sonic, as the lag equally effects both platforms.

As it stands, we are committed to making the EMU experience as close (and competitive) to hardware as possible. We will continue to keep the remaining boards outside of Super Sonic merged. Thank you for bearing with us through these growing pains! Our leaderboard is still very much in it's infancy, and we're bound to have a few small hiccups here and there. Rest assured, we will always work with the members of the community to do what we deem best for the game.

Speaking of what's best for the game, there's a huge positive emulator change being legalized just in time for the CX Sonic's Story tournament on SAESR, kicking off on July 24th, 2023!

We will now be accepting runs played using the Flycast DOJO Emulator locked at 30hz! Don't be deceived by the slower menus, this specific build of Flycast makes playing the game on emulator closer to hardware than ever before! Gone are the days of the input delay, this will enable even more competition on the boards. The early reception and test runs utilizing the new Emulator have been fantastic, and I can't wait to see how this changes the game going forward!

If you have any concerns or questions about the future of the game, never hesitate to reach out to any of us on the Moderation team. We will always strive to stay receptive to criticism and push the game to be more accessible and fun to run.

Thank you once again for bearing with us, and for your continued dedication to this wonderful and silly game we all love. Please watch the tournament! It'll be a fantastic showcase of just how far the game has come over the last year. This is our first official community event ever since the Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut Board Split!

Until Next Time!

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Опубликовано 2 years ago от

Hello Runners! CatBoo

As you may have noticed, or seen in the recent SAESR showcase, Emulation has now been legalized for the main leaderboard! At this time, the only allowed emulator is Flycast. Other emulators may be potentially allowed in the future on the Category Extension board for Third Party Controller%, but at this time that has not been squared away.

All unmodified versions of SA1 are legal on emulator! Feel free to play any release version of the game obtained through legal means. If you are interested in running CX on Emulator, we have more information in the SA(DX) Discord server for how to set that up!

As for Third Party Controllers themselves, after thorough testing and several runs, we've decided on allowing the StrikerDC controller. Please note all turbo functionality is still banned, and no other controllers have been legalized for the main board at this time. Third party dreamcast controllers are a fickle thing! If you have a controller which you believe does not provide a competitive advantage, please reach out to us and we would be more than happy to do some testing.

And finally, The Future!

The moderation team has continued to work dilligently to make sure Sonic Adventure is as accessible as possible, and that won't stop any time soon. New tutorials are being made, new routes are being discovered, and the game is as easy to get into as ever.

It's Sonic Adventure's 25th anniversary in 2023, Let's work together to make this the year of Sonic Adventure! Break some records, make some crazy moves, let's shatter everyone's expectations of what can be done on the dreamcast!

Good Luck in runs, and have fun!

  • @WitherMan
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Опубликовано 2 years ago от

Hello runners CatBoo

After several years of sharing a space on the Sonic Adventure: DX board, the original release of Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast now has it's own Full-game leaderboard as well as a Category Extension board.

The moderation team are currently looking into the validity of Dreamcast emulators and 3rd party controllers so that we can make this game more accessible for all!

We look forward to seeing your runs and will offer a reminder that all releases of Director's Cut are accommodated on this board, and Dreamcast Conversion Mod runs have a board under their Category Extensions.

Good luck

  • @Hibnotix @Nimputs @WitherMan @skewbmaster
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ATTN: Twitch Highlights / Future Video Submissions

Hey everyone,

As you've most likely heard Twitch has had a recent update that has caused us to consider whether it is a good idea to continue allowing going forward. Ultimately we have come to the decision it is not. So going forward Twitch highlights will be banned. This does not count for any ru

17 days ago